‘Never Again’ is now

Some say the Nazis are back marching. But this time they're not in Charlottesville.  This time they're setting up shop -- openly and proudly -- in Berkeley. They come from the left. 

As you may have heard, student groups at the University of California at Berkeley's School of Law have banned any and all pro-Israel speakers.  However narrow minded and antithetical to open debate that is, it might make sense, for the student group "Law Students for Justice in Palestine," is uni-focused in its hate of Israel and attempts to destroy it.

But eight other student groups joined them, including Women of Berkeley Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, Law Students of African Descent and the Queer Caucus.

Though legal scholars can debate whether the student groups' actions are legal -- meaning whether they are impermissibly discriminating and violating free speech -- it is not worth quibbling about.  What is clear is these groups are effectively saying that Jews -- or at least those Jews who support Israel -- are not welcome.

Could you imagine the Women of Berkeley Law amending its bylaws to ban all Christian speakers?  Nope, would never happen as it would alienate many of its members.  Yet it is alienating its Jewish members by effectively placing a sign that says "Jews not Welcome Here" is what these groups are doing.  Like something out of Fahrenheit 451 or a Kafka novel -- look it up kids -- the litmus test here is literal thought police.

The real story here is where this emanates from: the left.  You know, the liberal, open-minded, tolerant good guys who historically defended free speech, right? 

To me, the far left is far more dangerous than the far right.  While academics and the media treat the far right like a bottle of poison under your sink with a skull and cross bones, the far left is radon gas: a silent, deceptive, hidden killer seeping through your house.  A known cancer is much easier to treat than a hidden one.  And the far left is most generously explained as a hidden cancer.  By the time you properly diagnose it and know it's there, it's often too late -- the cancer now kills you.

Let me be clear: the left can try to take me first to the gas chambers, but I will fight, not hide. 

If I were a student at Berkeley -- Jewish or otherwise -- I would show up at each of their meetings wearing the yellow Jewish star.  I am 100% serious.

And don’t pass this off as, “well, that’s just Berkeley.”  It’s not.  It’s increasingly coming to a city or school near you, if not already there.  At a campus in New York, 2 women -- rape victims – say they were kicked out of a college survivor group because they would not oppose Israel.  Read that again. Slowly.   There is no shortage of examples of Jewish students attacked and removed from leadership positions because they have the audacity to support Israel, a sovereign nation.

The parallels are eerie.  The Nazis in Germany began their "Final Solution" by barring Jews from universities and professions.  And remember, it was all legal

Back in the 50’s, a white person of conscience would sit in the back of the bus to show solidarity with their black brothers or get arrested with them at the lunch counter or protest march.  Where are these people -- of all colors and religions -- today?  They should all be wearing Jewish stars in solidarity and protest.  Then again, if most of the Jewish people themselves aren’t saying much about it, can you blame the others? 

This emanates 100% from the “progressive” left and is at least increasingly tolerated by the “mainstream” middle.  The irony -- I mean utter hypocrisy -- of course is their gay members would be welcome in Israel.  Their female members could drive and vote in Israel. Their Hindu or Buddhist members could worship freely in Israel.  But place them elsewhere in the Middle East -- in many of the same countries protesting Israel -- and they couldn’t do any of those things and might be killed just for trying.  

And if you have a sick sense of humor, you must laugh as this comes from law school groups at Berkeley, one of the “top” law schools in the country.  These are not 18-year-old freshmen.  These are well educated, "smart," 25-year-olds with fancy college degrees now learning to become lawyers and follow the rule of law with their faculty "mentors" quietly -- if not enthusiastically -- egging them on.

And please, spare me the straight-faced discussions on Israel. Those are welcome.  But this ain’t about that. 

Those pious, righteous folks protesting Israel are equivalent to serious looking home inspectors.  They arrive at your house which has two “problems.”  First, there is a huge hole in your roof, so water pours in and floods the house whenever it rains.  Second, a small side window in the bathroom has a tiny crack, so a few beads of water trickle in when there is a storm.  The inspector earnestly examines your house with his clipboard and afterward demands that you immediately . . . fix the window.  All focus is on the window.

Of course, the “house” here is this thing called Earth, and Israel is the small window.  Keep focusing on it -- even “fix” it by replacing it -- and you shall remain all wet.  We should be so lucky if the rest of the house was as "broken" as the window.  The rest of the house should aspire to be as "broken" as the window.   

There are roughly 50 Arab and Muslim countries, but apparently one sliver sized Jewish state is one too many.  Instead of the scoreboard reading 50-1, apparently that is not lopsided enough.  51-0 sounds better.

Remember, this is all called “progress.”  Rinse and repeat comrade, just don’t question it, let alone do anything about it.

I write this as we are in the midst of the Jewish high holidays.  One iconic prayer is Hineni, which basically means, "Here I am G-d, Reporting for Duty, Ready for whatever the challenge is."  Well, it's time for more to say Hineni.  

The shofar is sounding for those who want to hear it.  Never Again is now.  

 William Choslovsky is a Harvard educated lawyer in Chicago, who says that: “If someone made an armband with a both a yellow Jewish star and Israeli flag, I would wear it.  Proudly.  I think that should become a thing.  Sadly, there needs to be a place for shame, shock, disdain, and simple protest that triggers instant cognitive dissonance, and that might be it."  

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