The January 6 Committee just can’t quit Donald Trump

Since Day One of the Biden administration, no matter the question, when it comes to Democrat governance failures, the answers are always the same: Russia and Trump. Putin is responsible for the economic disaster that is Bidenism and Trump is responsible for everything else. It’s no surprise, therefore, that with a disastrous midterm election looming, the January 6 commission went big: It announced that it will subpoena Donald Trump to appear before the commission. 

Fox News has the story:

The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol is expected to vote Thursday to subpoena former President Trump

The committee’s members, seven Democrats and two anti-Trump Republicans, will hold a vote to compel the former president to testify about his conduct leading up to the incident, sources tell Fox News. Trump has previously refused to voluntarily cooperate with the panel, calling it a partisan witch hunt. 

To justify a narrative that interests only political fanatics, the commission once again dragged out the claim that Trump, by doing what Democrats have routinely done for 20 years worth of elections, irreparably damaged American democracy:

“What Donald Trump proceeded to do after the 2020 election is something no president had done before in our country,” said Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss. “In a staggering betrayal of his oath, Donald Trump attempted a plan that led to an attack on a pillar of our democracy.”

Just once, I wish someone would ask one of these bloviating Democrats to explain what he or she means by “democracy.” We all know that it would boil down to “Democrats should always win.”

The Democrat response to forty year high inflation today? Another January 6th hearing. Really.

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) October 13, 2022

Image: Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.

Liz Cheney, of course, continued her private and, by now, pretty twisted and disturbing, vendetta against Trump:

“The vast weight of evidence presented so far has shown us that the central cause of January 6 was one man, Donald Trump, who many others followed,” said Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. “None of this would have happened without him. He was personally and substantially involved in all of it.”

Twitter commenters were very certain about the reason for the latest announcement from the House’s star chamber—horrible economic news. Clay Travis spoke for many with this Tweet:


Americans have had a snootful of “Democrats unchained,” and they’re beginning to realize that the Democrat party version of democracy is painful, mostly unconstitutional, and cares nothing about the demos—that is, the people. So the kangaroo court will roll on and, if I were a betting person, I would say that the January 6 committee will live to regret giving Donald Trump a chance to sit before them and explain what really happened.

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