The voters throw CBS a curve

By chance, I was looking for the Cowboys pre-game show and ended up at Face the Nation.  What I saw was rather interesting and a good sign about the upcoming midterms.  This is from Fox News:  

A "Face the Nation" focus group featuring a Republican, Democrat and an independent unanimously agreed that "woke culture" has become a prime concern for parents raising children in America.

In a segment called "Eye on America: Election Influencers," CBS host Margaret Brennan asked a group of parents to get candid about the issues they'll prioritize when voting and their struggles raising kids in a post-pandemic era.

John, a Texas Republican, cited the "woke" overhaul of U.S. education as a key issue for parents.

"The whole woke culture affecting our children, all these elementary, middle schools having woke culture pushed on them from the LGBTQ+ community for sexual identify and gender. We should be pushing the actual school studies. Math, social studies, science," he said. "Not gender studies."

Lashawn, an Illinois Democrat and mother of eight, largely agreed.  "I can agree with some of his points," she said. "I will say sex education, I feel like some things are brought to the children's attention they wouldn't even think about."

"Children are really influenced," she continued. "You can teach them one thing at home, but when they go to school, they're just as much influenced by their teachers and their surroundings."

Lashawn said parents should have more of a say over what children are taught.

Stephanie, an independent from Arkansas, also agreed, spotlighting the struggles children are facing as they get back in their classrooms after extended school closures.  

Later in the segment, Lashawn took aim at leaders in her own party for putting the needs of illegal migrants before Americans with misguided open border policies.

"I mean, there's nothing wrong with helping, but we have more problems here in our country. I feel like there is so much focus on helping immigrants and not enough focus on the people here that might need assistance."

To say the least, it was an amazing thing to watch.  I'm not sure that the CBS staff thought it would turn out this way, but it did.  In the end, we learned that parents are concerned about what their kids are learning or exposed to.  We also saw that the topic of illegal immigration is out of control.  And the woke culture is not popular, either.

In the end, the host was forced to admit that there was a lot of "echo" rather than differences.  My guess is that they thought putting a white Republican and a black Democrat would show the nation's divide.  Instead, it showed that we have a lot in common, especially when we are talking about our children and the mindless woke culture.

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Image: CBS.

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