Dead man walking

Whether this election was stolen or not is irrelevant.       

From here on out, unless we pivot 180 degrees, traditional America is dead.   

Without forsaking our core principles, Republicans can learn from the language and tactics of the Left.

Here are a few ways:

Affirmative action

The greatest impediment to the prosperity and independence of young Americans of all races is an educational system that functions primarily as a barrier to jobs and professions.    

It takes, on average, over 6 years to obtain a college degree and over 40% of factory jobs now require a college diploma.    

It is academia and the Left that keep the young in forced prolonged adolescence and quasi-serfdom.   Bar the requirement of a liberal arts college degree, or courses for entry to professions and professional schools.  Call for an affirmative action program to prohibit discrimination against those with only high school diplomas in employment and in corporate advancement.   

This will garner wide support.  Even Bill Maher calls college a racket.  This is low-hanging fruit. 

Redistribution of wealth

Redistribution of wealth isn’t theft anymore. A metaphor from the book of Samuel is in order. David downs Goliath with a single smooth pebble slung from his slingshot.  He then decapitates the giant with his adversary’s sword.

 Seizing a weapon whose purpose is your destruction isn’t theft.  Wealth, when used as a weapon, is a weapon. Its expropriation is self-defense.

The wealth of the electronic media and internet platforms is concentrated in but a handful of individuals, and was used to “fortify”  the last election.  Such concentration of wealth, used in such fashion,  is incompatible with a functioning republic.  There can be liberty for America, or liberty for the elites. There cannot be both. The two are mutually incompatible.  Economic liberty for the elites alone in 2021 is like pacifism in 1939.   

Civil asset forfeiture would suffice.  Confiscate their sword.   


In the same vein, we can embrace reparations.

Reparations are a moral and valid tool, both in terms of justice and politics, when the target is spot-on.  Spot-on perhaps would be reparations against the corporate CEOs and the executive suite who hollowed out America.  Spot on would also be the Wall Street institutions responsible for the 2008 crash.  Reparations need to be such that all who were harmed are made whole – with interest and inflation adjusted.  The beneficiaries would be the people who lost their jobs – the “learn to code” people. 

This will strike a chord with much of the American public.

 Following the David and Goliath metaphor, we will be the party of David, they the party of Davos.

The corporations  are no longer a target of the Left, and in return they give the Left donations and enforce their social agenda.  It’s like the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939, with  America as Poland

Define the Enemy

Saul Alinsky teaches to define the enemy.  We have allowed the conflict to be framed as between socialism and capitalism – between Karl Marx and Milton Friedman.  But the public doesn’t know Friedman nor would they be impressed.  What they do know are the likes of Martin Shkreli  (Pharma Bro), who represents capitalism to people.  The correct framing, the only one that will work, is between a Nietzsche elite and the common man.

Nietzsche called for an international elite, philosophical men of power and artist tyrants, who would employ democracy as their most pliant and supple instrument to control the destinies of the earth.

As if coming out of central casting for the current elite is Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.   They have made man-made climate change the central issue of our times.   The policies that would purportedly reduce the carbon footprint give the elite a chokehold on America and its middle and working class.   Even assuming that global warming is science, in terms of immediacy and the lives that would be lost, the threat is trivial to the very real risk of a prolonged power grid collapse.  The latter, however, is of no interest to Davos.  This is not an oversight.  Climate change is a cover.  It is Nietzsche science.   

The WEF’s claim of man-made climate change provides the rationale to ban nitrogen-based fertilizer, drastically cutting food production.  This has already happened in Sri Lanka  and severe cutbacks are  being imposed in the Netherlands and planned for Canada.  Some 40% of the world’s population would not be here were it not for nitrogen fertilizer.  Scarcity provides the opportunity for centralized control.  More ambitiously, populations can be reduced though economic policy.  Full throttle Nietzsche, in effect, centers on population control.  Nietzsche's writings are often conveniently overlooked by his admirers in academia.   “Mankind in the mass sacrificed to the prosperity of a single stronger species of man -  that would be an advance,” the philosopher wrote.  “Most individuals have no right to exist…and if they were sacrificed or slaughtered that would be an improvement.” 

Civil Disobedience

The victory of the Left was cemented and made inexorable in 1962, in Engel v. Vitale, when the Supreme Court outlawed prayer in public schools.  Christians, the law abiding segment of the population, obsequiously submitted.  This was the elementary school prayer that the Warren Court found unconstitutional:

“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country. Amen.”

What would happen if a few grade-school children, in an act of civil disobedience, stood up and said those words at the beginning of class?  What if they were joined by a few more, and a few more after that?

That the Left has won is not due to their brilliance, but our ineptitude.  Unless we start thinking outside the box – we are a dead man walking.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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