Have yourself an inflationary Christmas

Now that you've--hopefully--enjoyed a thankful Thanksgiving in spite of a break the holiday food budget 20% inflation rate according  to the American Farm Bureau, here is some advance warning for those who will celebrate Christmas next month:  it will cost much more for even such basics as Christmas trees--the real ones that come from the land not a factory in China. 

Riverview Christmas Tree Farm owner Todd Gannon of Canton, South Dakota, joined "Fox & Friends First" this week to discuss how his business has been impacted ahead of the holidays.

"Diesel fuel is more than double, fertilizer is more than double — even the smallest of things are up 20-30%," he said. 

The South Dakota, business owner said one of the issues he’s experiencing is the diesel price increase. He said fueling just one tractor can cost him several hundred dollars. 

Fertilizer, on the other hand, is costing him anywhere from $500-$800 per acre. (snip)

The Christmas tree farm owner increased his prices 10% this year to try to make up for some of his loss. 


Other than that--and other inflationary and supply chain shortages sure to come--best wishes for a happy inflationary holiday.  More to come!

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