I confess: I'm a white religious nationalist

As full disclosure, my skin color is not white, but as the government would racially profile me, it is white.  We have been instructed that it is racist to profile people by the color of their skin, but since it is the government, it must be all right. 

I have been known to attend church services.  I do believe in a higher authority than the government or those who are elected to the government offices.  The competition for authority between my God and the government officials, more often now than ever, seems to be in play.  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" seems to have fallen from government grace.

I believe that, as designed, America was and is still the best country in the world.  Individuals free to seek their own life trajectory beyond any other place in the world as the foundation of our country.  It is no wonder that millions risk life and limb just for the chance to migrate to America.

Disconcertingly, after having thought through this evil white-religious-nationalists consideration, I am perhaps the epitome of evil.  I am white, religious, and apparently a nationalist.  I hope this admission may be the first step toward healing into a better person.

Alternatively, I wonder if the bountiful coverage of the white-religious-nationalists is a new code word similar to those used by others whose stated goal was to heal our country and bring us together.  In former president Obama's vernacular for "the folks," maybe the white-religious-nationalists are those small-minded, simple people who cling to their guns and religion with antipathy to those different from them.  Or perhaps the white-religious-nationalists are the basket of deplorables, in the terms of Bubba's henchwife, Ms. Clinton.  Maybe the white-religious-nationalists are those who support the thoughts of making America great, AKA MAGA, or now even more threatening mega-MAGA, according to our current senile grandpa President Biden, or whoever wrote those words for him to read. 

On second thought, the white-religious-nationalists may just be Americans, trying to live their lives morally and responsibly, as good Christians, spouses, parents, and citizens.  Perhaps it is the current crop of liberal bogeyman attesters who are the racists, who segregate people by the color of their skin, who are secularly bigoted toward those who believe in a God, and are xenophobic against the last of the Americans.

Image: Jeff Turner via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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