Lessons from cryptocurrency: How Americans fell for the con

Cryptocurrency has been touted as an investment alternative for people who want to avoid the risks and swings of markets based on traditional forms of currency.  Crypto investing is arguably risky because, aside from being based on buying and selling digital currencies that have no inherent value other than what investors think they do, it occurs within an industry that's largely unregulated.  Nonetheless, crypto trading has become very popular, making companies and some individuals who specialize in its purchase and sale very wealthy.

However, the crypto bubble may have recently burst because one of the world's largest crypto trading exchanges, FTX, run by a reportedly charming and persuasive 30-year-old multi-billionaire, Sam Bankman-Fried, has recently gone bankrupt after having been discovered to have allegedly been investing company funds into private hedge funds and involved in multiple corrupt influence-buying relationships with various, primarily Democrat, politicians.

Once exposed, FTX investors rapidly pulled their money out, causing it to file for bankruptcy in a matter of a few days and resulting in investors' losses of yet to be totaled billions.  This spooked investor confidence, such that the larger digital currency market suffered an almost $800-billion loss of value.  Some financial experts say that the sudden collapse of FTX is of such financial magnitude that its ripple effects stand to dwarf Enron's and to threaten global recession.

If you're scratching your head wondering how so many people and institutions could've invested so much trust and money into a shady, unregulated, and inherently risky operation like the FTX scam run by Bankman-Fried or any other house of cards, like the crypto industry in general, consider the quickness with which the masses, without question, bought in to approved narratives about

  • COVID's origin and dangerousness,
  • effectiveness and safety of COVID vaccines and mandates,
  • Biden's record-setting vote tally,
  • the legitimacy of the 2020 election,
  • the 1/6 Capitol "insurrection,"
  • inflation is temporary and comparatively not that bad,
  • supply chain breakdowns reflect a booming economy,
  • American patriots are "fascists," "extremists," and/or "terrorists"
  • Russia is a greater threat than China to the U.S.,
  • Ukraine is a "democracy" worthy of $91+ billion of U.S. money,
  • an open southern border is needed to fill American jobs,
  • "climate change" will destroy the planet in only a few years,
  • BLM is a legitimate benefactor to black Americans,
  • white people are innately "racist" 
  • "diversity, inclusion, and equity" are more important than merit,
  • teachers know what children need better than their parents do,
  • gender is "fluid" and people, including children, can choose their own,
  • "born that way" as a rationale for the queer/trans movement,
  • abortion as a humane way of protecting women's health, and
  • everyone is entitled to his own "truth."

Notice a theme here?  Most of the false narratives seducing the gullible public are coming from the political left — you know, the ideologues who push for greater Marxist-style government control over our lives at the expense of our individual rights and traditional values of faith, family, and freedom.  And they're working in parallel with global political and financial powers who want us to accept that "by 2030, you will own nothing and be happy."

But before we vilify and solely blame the minority of the world's population that seeks to undermine our society in its own quest for control, power, and wealth, let's stop for a moment and look in the mirror.  None of these leftist narratives, come-ons, or manipulations of truth would stand the light of day if we all chose to reject them and openly call them out for what they are — lies, propaganda, and con jobs.

"Wait a minute," you say, "I don't believe in those narratives, and I still value human rights and freedom."  If so, that's admirable.  But if you have chosen to quietly remain on the sidelines while others obediently followed along, fearing that if you speak out, you might suffer some type of disruption in your life, social disapproval, or personal loss, you may be an enabler helping those narratives gain in strength and acceptance.  In short, because you're not part of the solution, you may be part of the problem.  As the saying goes, "silence is compliance."

Over the past 50 or more years, we have become a nation of people undereducated, misinformed, disenfranchised, disempowered, silenced, chemically numbed, and made overly comfortable in our little private digital environments.  We have been neutered to the point where we have lost not only critical thought, abstract reasoning, and basic common sense, but the capacities that make us humans created in God's image — compassion, empathy, and selfless love for one another.

Unless we change, we may be reaching a point of no return for the humanity we once knew.  All change starts from within each of us individually.  So question everything you see and hear; resist herd mentality, trust your gut; and, for the sake of others more vulnerable to the con, speak out against the madness.  Passivity is no longer an acceptable option.  If enough of us actively take control of the narratives we've been fed, we will discover we're not alone, and according to the "butterfly effect," individual change will grow to become collective change.  We are the majority, and must be silent no more.

Image via Pixabay.

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