Should MAGA Republicans give Kevin McCarthy a chance as House speaker?

This grassroots MAGA populist agrees that on January 3, 2023, House Republicans, every single one of them, must be unified behind the MAGA banner.  Reports that House Republicans will oppose Kevin McCarthy for speaker must not lead to a disunited House majority in the 118th Congress.

The anti-McCarthy number stands at four, with the added opposition of Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina.

Consider the success of President Trump's MAGA program until it was sabotaged by the aggrandizing authoritarians following their false medical prophet, Dr. Fauci, using COVID-19 as battering ram.  Under President Trump's MAGA leadership, the economy boomed, gas prices were low, employment was full, the nation was at peace and respected in the capitals of friends and foes alike — and our southern border was secure.  In short, under the leadership of the besieged 45th president, America had become great again.

House Republicans must, as of the January 3, 2023 convening of the 118th Congress, be united behind the MAGA movement if, by January 20, 2025, our country is to be on track to making America great again.  While not entirely confident that Kevin McCarthy will be any more effective than was Newt Gingrich as speaker from 1995 to 1999 — Gingrish was forced out of Congress by Democrat demagoguery — this MAGA Republican is willing to give Mr. McCarthy a chance, provided we realize a favorable result of negotiations between Mr. McCarthy and the GOP House MAGA caucus.

First item to be acted on Janaury 3, 2023: restoration of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's House committee assignment, which the aggrandizing Democrats wrongly deprived MTG of.  (The new House MAGA majority should resist the temptation to answer a wrong with another wrong by depriving aggrandizing Democrat House hoaxers of their assignments to committees.  Such a tortious step would only incite mischievous, mendacious Democrats to incessant howls for the purpose of martyrizing the likes of a Schiff.)

The opening statement by Mr. McCarthy as House speaker should begin with the assertion that under his speakership, the status quo is unacceptable because, under the 117th Congress, the virus of rabid and rampant partisanship had infected the Office of Speaker, with political zealotry extending to the creation of a rabidly partisan inquisitorial committee that refused to honor the terms of the resolution by which it was established.

Speaker McCarthy, to ensure that his office will be immunized from partisanship, should announce that he will serve Congress in the context of a chairman of the board, placing badly needed, honest, and fair-minded investigatory responsibilities in a new congressional post: assistant speaker for public responsibility, who, among other things, will act swiftly to bar sabotage of investigations and will rule on matters of fidelity to committee procedures to prevent a recurrence of the Jan. 6 Select Committee travesty, generally ignored by our courts of law.

Certainly, Mr. McCarthy must commit himself to assigning the necessary oversight of the administration to House members who are not only intelligent, but (citing a comment from the late Jackie Mason to me) "effective."

Above all, Mr. McCarthy and the House Republican Conference must commit to recognizing the first half of Federalist No. 57 as the basis for the MAGA credo, which, emphasizing liberty and the common good, stands opposed, proudly, to the authoritarian credo of power that motivates the self-anointed elites.  They should, also, study the sage counsel of this article, which points to the perfidy of so-called anti-MAGA Republicans.

Image: Kevin McCarhty.  Credit: World Economic Forum via Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

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