The Democrats’ gender obsessions will be their downfall

I have a suggestion for the next election: During the primaries, ask candidates just one question, a question that will reveal everything you, and all the other voters, need to know about that candidate: “Where do you stand on bringing gender identity issues into schools?” It’s an important question because I firmly believe that the Democrats, by committing 100% to the whole so-called “transgender” issue, have chosen the wrong issue. Americans love their children, and that love will transcend all other issues.

As always, Libs of TikTok is invaluable when it comes to exposing what the left has planned for your children. First up is a video from Children’s Minnesota, a children’s hospital in the Twin Cities, in which an “it” person (someone clearly female but pretending to be vaguely male) giving a “Ted talk” insisting that toddlers already know their “gender identity” and that slightly older kids are ready for so-called puberty blockers (castration drugs used on sex offenders) and cross-sex hormones (which don’t change a child’s biological sex but do destroy the child’s body):

In sum, the preceding two tweets show that, in Minnesota—as is the case across America—formerly reputable medical establishments are all-in on convincing America’s children to deny their biological reality and, having done so, to give them treatments that will permanently destroy their healthy bodies. When you know that, you can appreciate that the person in the following video (originally recorded for Chinese-controlled TikTok), is making points that are obvious (and easily refuted) lies:

It’s not just the crazies, though, or the people directly profiting from this madness who are promoting it. Watch Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer talk about “people with a period” because she can no longer bear to say the word “woman” when discussing a biological event unique to the human female:

This is all insane…but that’s a good thing. Why is it good? Because Americans are nice people and quite remarkably tolerant. However, while they’ll put up with a lot of insanity, that stops when it touches their children. Americans love their children. And if parents haven’t been completely brainwashed (and most haven’t), they’ve discovered that they’re infinitely less tolerant when it’s their children who are in the line of fire. They’re beginning to push back hard against the effort to sexually confuse and mutilate their children:

Can we say grooming?

Anyone who supports bringing gender madness near our children is unfit for office. For conservatives, it’s helpful that the same people who promote these ideas also support other madness, such as open borders, a gender-confused military, attacks on police paired with support for criminals, unlimited money printing, the end of fossil fuel, unlimited abortion, etc. But when dealing with parents who have always voted Democrat, we don’t need to touch upon those substantive issues. All we need to say to them is, “This candidate wants to give your child toxic chemicals and hormones and conduct radical surgery on your child’s healthy, perfect body.” That’s going to kill the Democrat party going forward.

Image: Activist for so-called “transgenderism.” Twitter screen grab.

Corrected Michigan governor's name: Gretchen not Meg

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