The GOP and the youth vote

The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) conducted exit interviews with people under 30 at polling stations in 2018, 2020 and 2022. Sixty percent of people under 30 voted Democrat in 2022 and 62% of people under 30 voted Democrat in 2020.  In 2018, people under 30 voted for Democrats 67% of the time.  So it shouldn't be controversial to say the GOP is struggling to communicate with today's up-and-coming generations.

Millennials and Generation Z were born and raised in a welfare state.  Obamacare's costs caused employers to cut back many employees to under 40 hours a week.  Many young people have no idea what it is to work a steady 40-hour-a-week job with the same employer for their adult lives.  Many young people are forced to live communally with three to five other young people in apartments because rent is so high, and they do not earn enough money to live in a single-family dwelling.  Many young people are forced to rely on government programs (welfare) to survive — or live with their parents.  They have no idea of the ideal free-market/self-determination society that the GOP touts, and the GOP does nothing to educate them about such a society.

Marijuana and other drugs have been legalized by state and local governments.  In addition to being addicted to welfare, many young people are addicted to drugs, which dull their senses, decrease their alertness, and provide an escape from the hard realities of life.  Millennials and Generation Z have been indoctrinated by a left-wing education system to believe in climate change, the evils of fossil fuel and internal combustion energy, and transgenderism.

Millennials and Generation Z consume their news, current events, and entertainment via computers and online streaming services.  They do not consume broadcast TV and cable TV.  They are not going to see campaign ads on cable TV, and they throw mailers away.  They immediately delete spam emails and robocalls, and they don't answer their doors for "door-knockers."  And yet these outdated campaign methods are what the GOP relies on.  GOP ads do not make a cause-and-effect illustration explaining why Democrat policies subject younger people to poverty, welfare, drug addiction, and crime.

This election cycle should be a wake-up call for the GOP.  The GOP has to start effectively communicating with the younger generations.  And the GOP needs to explain that young people and minority-race Americans are living an existence one degree removed from the Stone Age due to decades of failed Democrat social and economic policies — policies that have caused a Black Holocaust in America's big cities.  The GOP needs to field generic ads attacking and exposing the Democrat party — and in Democrat strongholds where most minority-race Americans live (Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc).  Until the GOP wakes up, it will always have its "red tsunami" reduced to a trickle.

Image via Pixabay.

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