Trump train tickets and comfort zones

I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 for POTUS. I voted for him again in 2020. Now, he is asking me and many others to vote for him again in 2024. 2016 and 2020 are now part of history. As I was driving to pick up necessities at the local food store this morning, a local talk-show host asked, “Are you willing to get on the Trump train again?” The same talk-show host said that Trump and his team expect all other Republicans to yield to him in 2024.

I do not pretend to speak for other Christians, but I am hesitant to get on the Trump train again. Mike Pence and Ben Carson, for example, have clearly identified themselves as believers in Jesus. Neither are perfect, but they have no hesitation to show allegiance to Him. To my knowledge, Trump has carefully avoided making a clear statement about his faith, does not attend church, and he has not expressed any regret about his “bad boy” history. Those are red flags for me in 2022.

When Trump was facing Clinton and Biden, it was easy to vote for the Donald. Now, however, there are attractive alternatives to consider. There is a lot about Trump I like, but he makes me wince a lot too. Frequent wincing takes me out of my comfort zone.

Image: Trump announces his candidacy. YouTube screengrab.

After two years of Biden, Trump’s age concerns me. Donald was born on June 14, 1946 according to Siri. If elected again, he will be nearly 79 when he takes the oath again. That also gives me pause.

There are stories of couples getting married, later divorcing, and then marrying each other again. Divorces are messy and painful. Hard as this is to visualize, Donald is on his knee again, promising next time will be better. I’m not so sure.

Finally, Donald sometimes sounds like he has a Messianic complex. When I listen to him, I get the impression that he thinks he is the only one who can make America great again. Really? The Messiah job is taken, and His initials are JC, not DT. Ironically, I will be more willing to vote for Donald when he humbly and genuinely admits that he is not the center of the universe.

Ned Cosby, a regular contributor to American Thinker, is a pastor, veteran Coast Guard officer, and a retired career public high school teacher. His newest novel OUTCRY is a love story exposing the refusal of Christian leaders to report and discipline clergy who sexually abuse our young people. This work of fiction addresses crimes that are all too real. Cosby has also written RECOLLECTIONS FROM MY FATHER’S HOUSE, tracing his own odyssey from 1954 to the present. For more info, visit Ned Cosby.

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