Biological reality crushes so-called ‘transgender’ hockey player

At the end of November, a lot of people wondered whether the National Hockey League, one of the few pro-sports to stay out of the culture wars, had made a mistake when it decided to support a “Team Trans Draft Tournament.” The NHL may be wondering the same thing now that a man pretending to be a woman smashed a woman pretending to be a man, all of which was caught on camera, effectively putting the lie to transgender madness.

The tournament that the NHL backed took place in Middleton, Wisconsin, a pleasant, hip suburb of uber-woke Madison, Wisconsin. It’s the type of community that supports the idea of men and women competing directly against each other in one of the sports world’s most violent games. After all, much of hockey’s excitement is seeing players smash into each other at great speed.

Hockey is the antithesis of soccer, which sees players constantly faking injuries to achieve an advantage. This video explains that dynamic:

By comparison, this is hockey:

It was always a bizarre decision for the NHL to support the transgender agenda with financial backing and publicity, given that its fans probably aren’t the most woke people in America. But still, the back office has its college grad employees, so someone thought it was a great idea to support a transgender (and non-binary) league and then boast about it on Twitter:

All of which gets us to what happened on the ice last month, a story that Jonathan Kay finally broke in Quillette last week and that got national prominence when the Daily Mail wrote it up this morning: A male hockey player pretending to be a woman smashed into a female hockey player pretending to be a man and…don’t let the story shock you too much…hurt her quite badly. Yes, the scientific reality that men are, on average, bigger, more muscular, and possessed of a denser bone structure than women, played out in real life in Middleton, Wisconsin.

According to Kay, the six teams were composed of randomly assigned men pretending to be women, women pretending to be men, and men and women pretending that they weren’t anything at all. One team, the Pink team, “ended up stacked with physically imposing biological men (i.e., trans women).” In the finals, Pink played against team Black, which apparently had many more biological women. A witness told Kay, “There [was] just an enormous difference in size between the two teams—height, weight, shoulder width, muscles—the differences were plain to even a child.” Team Pink destroyed Team Black, 7-1.

The biological men, says Kay, never deliberately bullied the biological women against whom they were playing. To which I would add, they didn’t have to. Biology took care of everything.

Eventually, a Black team player who is a woman pretending to be a man ended up in the path of a Pink team player who is a man describing himself as “a bisexual trans woman.” Mr. Pink quite literally crushed Miss Black:

What’s not funny is that the woman sustained a significant concussion. I hope she recovers completely since concussions are serious business.

However, there is much to laugh about:

1. After Mr. Pink wiped out Miss Black, Team Black’s goalie, Mason LeFebvre, who identifies as male so is probably (but not certainly) a biological female, got so upset by what happened to Miss Black that she “literally collapse[d] in a corner of the rink, whereupon several team members skated over to offer words of consolation.” Kay dryly adds, “LeFebvre was eventually coaxed out of the corner, though not before a rink-side supporter enlisted the crowd in a chant of ‘We Love Mason.’”

2. The people in thrall to transgender mythology actually believe that “identifying” as the opposite of their biological sex magically gives them the attributes of that opposite sex. People like this are beginning to experience the Darwinian consequences of their delusions.

3. The NHL is about to discover just how stupid it is to take the transgender side in the culture wars. The NHL has damaged its brand with the people who supported it the most, and this fiasco, which is making headlines in major outlets, will not help. Were I a hockey fan, I would certainly be less inclined to give my money to the NHL, whether in direct ticket sales or by watching the game on television because it’s forfeited my trust and my respect.

Transgender wokeness is moving across America with the speed and ferocity of the Black Death, which killed 1/2 to 1/3 of the medieval world. Let’s hope transgender madness’s death toll isn’t as high, although the overall denial of reality, along with the attack on science, especially in medicine, suggests that we’re in for a long, painful haul before reality finally kicks in.

Image: Screen grab of Mr. Pink slamming into Miss Black.

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