Fox News MIA on Lake lawsuit

“Fair, Balanced and Unafraid” is now a distant memory. Whatever the cause, considering the Fox News Channel to be a name to trust is a complete waste of time. The fix is in. Fox News reports on what they are told, not what is important for the country.

This includes the most popular shows in the evening, Jesse Waters, Tucker Carlson, Shawn Hannity, and Laura Ingraham. All four still appear to be fighting for our country, but only on approved stories.

This has been going on for quite some time, but the absolute proof is that — based on what I saw — Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s lawsuit against election fraud in Maricopa County wasn’t given even one second of airtime last night, even though she has appeared as a guest on most of those shows in the past.

The lawsuit was filed at close of business Friday, and I’m sure that Lake could have appeared on one of the shows last night, but nothing — nada.

A search of the Fox website shows that Lake was a guest on Tucker Carlson December 5th, but only to talk about the censorship revelations from Twitter. On December 7th, she was a guest on Fox and Friends to discuss Biden and his refusal to visit the border.

As far as I can tell, there has not been a peep on all of Fox about perhaps the most important lawsuit of the year, contesting the greatest political crime in history. In an article yesterday, I explained why the numbers in Arizona are impossible without massive fraud. Other networks and newspapers have covered the story — usually to declare it as a desperate move from a failed candidate.

Instead we were presented with a panoply of safe topics, which clearly shows what those in charge are OK with allowing to be discussed….

Here is the list from Hannity last night:

Only thing Biden admin's border policy has done is create 'more chaos': Sara Carter

GOP is trying to court Sinema to join the Republican Party: Chad Pergram

'Twitter Files' Part 3 show extensive shadowbanning efforts despite denials from previous management

What does Kyrsten Sinema's switch mean for the Senate?

Putin looks at this deal as a major public relations victory: Dan Hoffman

Big Tech CEOs need to take note of what Elon Musk has done: Pam Bondi

Sean Hannity: New Twitter files prove blacklists are real

Here is what we were served up on Laura Ingraham’s show:

Kids taken away after mom brings sick baby to ER

Rand Paul: 'Crazy, left-wing Democrats' impacted our youth's mental health

Raymond's rules for air travel: Keep your shoes on

Laura Ingraham: Our children are crying for help and no one is answering

Newt Gingrich: This is a much bigger mess than people realize (Twitter Shadow-Banning)

Twitter's COVID censorship harmed science, children and the public: Dr Jay Bhattacharya

Angle: Twitter Files Part 2

Parents refusing to let kids believe in Santa should stop ‘imposing’ adult concerns on kids: Raymond Arroyo

So those in charge are okay with discussing Twitter’s abuses of free speech, but not willing to allow free speech on their own network.

Things may change — this story is hopefully too big to ignore — but if you’re expecting unbiased, patriotic information from Fox News, don’t hold your breath.

If you’re looking for coverage of what is important for the future of our country, here’s a list: 

  1. Steve Bannon’s “War Room

  2. John Solomon’s “Just the News

  3. Right Side Broadcasting Network

  4. Mike Lindell’s “Frank Speech

  5. NTD News

Online website suggestions include:

  1. American Thinker

  2. American Greatness

  3. Breitbart

  4. The Federalist

  5. RedState

  6. Washington Examiner

  7. And perhaps the most timely source of political news, if not always 100% accurate, The Gateway Pundit.

The failure to mention one of the biggest news stories since the most recent Arizona debacle is a huge red flag, and the silence should be highly scrutinized.

Image: Steve Bott from Los Angeles, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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