'Go woke go broke' is in the air

Maybe "go woke go broke" is something that the wokes should take a look at.  How many more in-your-face messages do you need?

Last week, I read that 2022 was "an annus horribilis" for the people who make movies:

Major studios, streamers, cable providers, and other media giants lost a combined $542 billion in market value in 2022, with left-wing studios the Walt Disney Co., Netflix, and Comcast accounting for the bulk of the bloodshed.

You don't need to speak Latin to know that losing that kind of money makes it "an annus horribilis."  Maybe the next movie from Hollywood is "salire de tecto," or Latin for bean-counters jumping off the roof.  It's tough to lose money, but it's hard to feel sorry for a company that invested millions in a movie aimed at seven-year-olds focused on climate change or homosexuality.  Hard to get parents to spread a good word about that flick!  People had no trouble spreading the word and filling up the theaters to see Top Gun: Maverick — non-woke, pro-American, and a movie that portrays masculinity in a positive way.  Who knew that people would enjoy movies like that?

The other example is the NBA.  It went one on one against the NFL on Christmas Day, and it wasn't pretty:

On Christmas Day, the most-viewed NFL game of the day was the contest between the Miami Dolphins and Green Bay Packers, pulling in 25.92 million viewers, according to NFL analyst Ari Meirov. In comparison to the NBA's highest-viewed game, which was between the Boston Celtics and Milwaukee Bucks, it was a blowout with basketball only pulling in a little over six million viewers.

To be fair, the NFL games had post-season implications, and the NBA was just another day on the schedule.  Nevertheless, a lot of fans like me are sick and tired of political messages rather than good basketball.  Where is Oscar Robertson when we really need him?

The NBA also has a China problem, and it gets more hypocritical by the minute.  Speaking for me, I have no interest in the NBA these days.  They lost me a couple of years ago, and a lot of my sports buddies say the same thing.

So maybe the public has had it with woke.  Maybe the bean-counters will mention that the next time they are talking about funding another woke movie.

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Image: NFL.

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