Don't expect much from our new special counsel

On Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate Joe Biden's mishandling of classified documents.  Don't expect any indictments (sealed or otherwise) to come out of this investigation.  That's not its purpose.

Whenever the Democrats have something to hide, they hide it by starting a DOJ investigation.  Have you noticed lately whom the DOJ works for?  It's not us.  What did Barack Obama do when news of Hillary Clinton's secret email server broke?  He launched an FBI investigation.  Remind me.  What sort of punishment did she get?

Here's what's going on.  Joe's colossal stupidity has put the Dems in a bind — again.  He turned his attack dog loose on Donald Trump, for classified documents — knowing that he had the same exposure.  I don't know who's dumber: Joe or the Dems who keep underestimating his ability to eff things up.  I guess they're all a little under-gifted.

With the blessing of his boss, "Bunny Slope" Garland decided to take a run at the double diamond — and got out over his skis.  He took the unprecedented action of raiding a former president's home, in front of the cameras, over a document dispute — that the president's attorneys were working to resolve.  And now his boss has been caught doing the same thing — making him appear like a complete idiot, too.  In this case, appearances may not be deceiving.

Now Herr Garland is in damage control mode.  So what does he have to do?  The same thing he did for the Donald Trump matter: appoint a special counsel.  It gives the appearance that he's treating the indiscretions of both presidents the same.  Of course, in this case, appearances are deceiving.  Oh, and it's just a coincidence that the appointment of that special counsel keeps all of the evidence in the hands of the DOJ.

Now that Republicans are in control of the House of Representatives, they can add keeping classified documents in an office that may have been funded by the Chinese to their list of urgent investigations.  But they'd better get used to the words "I can't comment about an ongoing investigation."  Sound familiar?

If Garland were serious about investigating Biden scandals, he would have appointed a special counsel to look into the Hunter Biden laptop from hell.  But he didn't.  Why not?  Because by the time he got in office, the damage was already done.  About a gazillion copies of the laptop are floating around in public, and the information is already out.  With no information to hide, and no intention to indict, no special counsel was needed.  But this time it's different.  There's plenty of information to hide — though there's still no intention to indict.

This investigation will drag on through the next election — with no evidence shared with Congress.  However, there will be plenty of information leaked to CNN (using the Comey gambit) — all of which will be beneficial to Joe Biden.  In the end, there will be no indictment (sealed or otherwise) and no negative information released.  That will change only if the Dems decide to run over Joe with their bus, to keep him from effing up the next election.  Whether they can pull that off will depend on where Garland's loyalties lie.

There is only one way for Republicans to get to the bottom of this scandal.  They need to pull funding from the FBI every time they hear the words "I can't comment about an ongoing investigation."  When a bunch of agents start seeing mall security as their next career move, maybe a few of them will leak to Congress rather than CNN.  I seriously doubt if even our new and improved House has the cojones to do that.

John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho.  He has written for American Thinker and American Free News Network.  His work has been featured on The Dan Bongino Show, World View Weekend Broadcast with Brannon House, and Steel on Steel with John Loeffler.  He can be followed on Facebook or reached at

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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