Iran uprising at a glance – Day 121

First, the data on what's happening in Iran.

Start with the count:

  • Days: 121    
  • Protests: 282 cities
  • Fatalities: 750+ estimated deaths, 627 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 30,000  

Now here's the latest news:

Iran’s nationwide uprising entered its fifth month following a day of major rallies and demonstrations against the mullahs’ regime in various cities of what's known as Sistan and Baluchistan province, especially the provincial capital of Zahedan. A large number of locals took to the streets on Friday in the Baluch cities of Zahedan, Rask, and Khash, chanting slogans specifically targeting regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the paramilitary Basij forces, and other units of the regime’s vast crackdown apparatus. People in the provincial capital of Zahedan and other Baluch cities have long been suppressed by Iran’s ruling regime and have courageously been protesting the mullahs’ atrocities for decades, especially in the past four months.

Meanwhile, in Tehran, at around 9 a.m. local time on Saturday morning, approximately 500 family members of ordinary inmates held in the regime’s prison rallied outside the mullahs’ so-called judiciary building, protesting the conditions of their jailed loved ones. These family members had travelled to the Iranian capital from different and faraway cities. Some children were seen holding placards reading: “Don’t execute my father!” Authorities dispatched security forces to disperse the crowd based on the bogus pretext that the judiciary is closed today.

In Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdistan province, courageous youths blinded the surveillance camera of Khamenei's repressive forces which was installed in the city’s Madar square.

In the Iranian diaspora abroad, NCRI’s president-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi reacted to the execution of a former Iranian regime official named Alireza Akbari, stating: “Ex-deputy defense minister Alireza Akbari’s abhorrent execution, in his own words among IRGC commanders in the Iran-Iraq war and of Badr Brigade, showed the savagery of Khamenei and Raisi (another mullah regime leader) toward even their closest operatives. The U.K. must shut down regime’s embassy and cut off ties with it."

More broadly, Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 119th day on Thursday as protesters continued their anti-regime campaign with a focus on night rallies.

There are increasing reports of people burning the regime’s propaganda billboards and posters of regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, writing anti-regime slogans in graffiti, and using Molotov cocktails targeting various regime-affiliated sites, mostly bases of the brutal and widely detested Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) paramilitary Basij units.

The mullahs’ regime ruling Iran, in dire need to bring the ongoing protests across the country to an end, has been escalating its crackdown and threats, including issuing an increasing number of death sentences to arrested protesters. After already executing four individuals detained in the recent protests, the ruling regime is faced with a nation determined to continue its campaign for freedom and democracy and refusing to back down in the face of the mullahs’ repression.

Mohammad Broghani is another arrested protester on death row in in Gohardasht Prison and reports indicate that his death sentence has been temporarily halted. Broghani (and another protestor named Mohammed Ghobadlou) were sentenced to execution after being tortured into coerced confessions and without due process even according to the regime’s own laws.

According to reports circulating on social media, regime authorities stationed a large number of security forces out Gohardasht (Rajaie-Shahr) Prison of Karaj, west of Tehran in the early hours of Thursday morning. Activists say this could have been in preparation for the execution of Ghobadlou, one of the protesters arrested in the recent rallies of the ongoing revolution.

According to social media reports, a young girl called Ghazal Ranjkesh, from the southern city of Bandar Abbas, lost her sight in the right eye as a result of being shot by Khamenei’s repressive forces.

In Tehran, protesters torched a large banner of regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the now-eliminated IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani, who has been made into a "martyr" by the mullah regime.

Also in Tehran, Locals torched a pro-regime propaganda billboard, protesting the recent executions of Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini.

In Shiraz, a city in south-central Iran, protesters attacked a base of the regime's oppressive security forces early this morning local time.

In another development in the United Kingdom, British Member of Parliament (MP) Bob Blackman together with a number of parliamentarians took part in a parliamentary debate about the uprising and the need for the U.K. government to take action against the mullahs. They called on the government to:

  • compel the Iranian regime to stop all trials, convictions, and executions of protesters.
  • recognize Iranian people's revolution; and
  • recognize the Iranian opposition led by NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi and her ten-point plan.

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