Managing the People’s house

Anony Mee wrote about the newly constituted House’s first initiative, “Rolling back egregious IRS funding,” and ended it by applauding this action. Anony Mee is correct. We must back members of the People’s House, just as was done with the Trump Trains etc., to show them that we are behind them. Likewise, we must demonstrate in a similar, though disappointed manner when they do egregious things like the Respect for Marriage Act. Otherwise, things will go right back to the way they were over time.

I always advocate for more political action on the part of the individual citizen, but given the past few elections, I usually get responses like, “It’s all about the cheating…nothing else matters!” and “Nuke the whole thing!”

I believe that those comments are patently wrong and that if we were to continue our loud and active conservative support and protestations, we would see more courageous representatives take action. I fully believe we can defeat the cheating and tighten up the voting process by supporting the right candidates who will pass laws that protect our elections from significant fraud and abuse.

Image: Kevin McCarthy. YouTube screen grab.

When President Trump became the first president to courageously stand up to the swamp, we all cheered. We adorned our cars and houses with flags and signs, attended rallies, and basically shouted our support for his policies from the rooftops. President Trump knew he had good ideas and that at least half the country agreed with them. We reinforced and energized his courage while the left relentlessly slandered and attacked him.

We should be doing the same thing for Speaker McCarthy and those members of Congress who support our values. If their actions are truly working toward the policies we want, we need to show them support in the way that conservatives did for President Trump. Speaker McCarthy and others will need our energy to sustain an ongoing battle against the left, which will soon get its nefarious act together and do everything legal and otherwise to thwart him.

We must also keep in mind that no representative will satisfy our individual political needs every time. In those cases, we should also let our frustration be known but, again, in a conservative manner, rather than through lying and cheating during elections, payoffs, or rioting. Conservatives must continue to demonstrate the values we expect our representatives to live by. We should be loud, courageous, and actively engaged in all aspects of our election and governing processes. It may be the People’s House, but it won’t be very effective if the people are not involved.

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