'News management' is a fact of media life

Recently, FOX News's very popular Tucker Carlson Tonight aired a report from the Veritas Project exposing a high-level Pfizer executive, Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer's director of R&D and strategic operations and an mRNA scientific planner, admitting on hidden camera details of nefarious actions currently proceeding back at the Home Office: "One of the things we [Pfizer] are exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right?  So, we have to do that.  If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f------ viruses," said Walker, adding that he believes that Pfizer scientists are going about it slowly "because you obviously don't want to advertise that you are figuring out future mutations[.]"  "Don't tell anyone this[.] ... There is a risk ... have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn't create something ... the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest."

Watching the entire episode is both frightening and enlightening.  So many "reveals" appear in just minutes, and all heinous.

As of this writing, this story remains invisible.  There's virtually no coverage whatsoever on any "mainstream media" outlet.  Other than FOX, RealClearPolitics and two minor blogs turn up in a Google search.

Why does something so devastating on its face not grab the attention of a free press?  Certainly not "professional jealousy" that FOX got the story first.  Networks have been exchanging videos for decades with appropriate attribution.

Here a suggestion: Pfizer is the Big in "Big Pharma," the big hand that feeds most MSM newscasts.  Hardly a commercial break goes by that doesn't contain at least one new pill or treatment for one or more conditions.  Just ask your doctor.

Sponsors pulling their ads in the wake of some disaster is not new.  Back in the day, I was instructed to skip all airline commercials if a plane crash was in the news.  Today, it's the news that's skipped in deference to the sponsor.  For years, the news reported that most mass murderers were on some form of behavior-altering psychotropic drugs.  But the drugs were never named despite the fact so many of the killers were taking the same drugs.  "Why not" should be clear now.

"Managing the news" to remove stories embarrassing to sponsors, politicians, and other "celebrities" was denied by broadcast and print media outlets for decades.  Recent events involving the president and Hunter Biden, the Paul Pelosi incident, and now the Pfizer drugs executive "admission" offer proof that news management is a fact of media life.  The danger to individual freedom and welfare comes when facts that present a danger to health and possibly national security "manage" to find a way out of the headlines and into the ignorance of those who need to know.

Image: FreeSVG.

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