Urgently needed: An internet archive system for the pro-freedom right

Gaslighting over the banning of gas stoves underscores the need to keep facts inconvenient to the fascist far-left from disappearing down the memory hole.

You know the drill by now: Bloomberg News had a story on January 9: "US Safety Agency to Consider Ban on Gas Stoves Amid Health Fears," based on one study.  The resulting backlash was swift and sure, but instead of admitting their mistake of banning first and asking questions later, national socialist media sources went for the propaganda options of denial and ridicule, because that's always conducive to discourse in a free society that values liberty and limited government.

Going after gas stoves is just one more example of their creeping authoritarianism.  This is why they made drastic changes in how they go after our guns, switching from specific types to increasing draconian property controls, with unconstitutional controls on private property involving "universal" background checks and safe storage laws.  Since they've set the precedent, they've been looking around for what else they can control.

As is usually the case, the anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left push the Overton window until they meet resistance.  Then it's "two steps forward, one step back," and if they can exploit the opportunity to attack the pro-freedom right, so much the better.

The larger point is that this is the latest example of why we need a "parallel economy" version of an internet archive system.  Now that the backlash has begun, the far-left media are rewriting history in real time.  They don't seem to understand that George Orwell's 1984 was supposed to be a work of fiction and not an instruction manual.

This is why the Wayback Machine of the Internet Archive (warning: rabbit hole ahead), archive.today webpage capture, and the Tor Browser are so valuable.  These systems can let you indirectly access far-left content as well as save it for future reference in case they decide to make certain facts "disappear."  You should use these systems whenever you can, not only for yourself, but to help everyone else.  There are some differences in features and how the two systems work.

The Wayback Machine can show you a calendar of when captures were made or changes in the content of archives of URLs.  You can also page through the various captures to see when something was changed.

For example, when the CDC knuckled under pressure from the gun-grabbing ghouls of the left, we know from the Wayback Machine that this took place on May 6, 2022.  It can also compare the changes made from the previous date that was documented, but for some reason, this suspiciously doesn't work in this case.  Hence the reason for a pro-freedom version of this archive.

The archive.today webpage capture works in a slightly different manner, creating a snapshot of the page.  Both systems work as well as expected; however, we don't know their reliability.  In the case of the Wayback Machine, we have seen some strange error messages that imply that conservative content isn't that welcome.

We are placing a lot of trust in these two entities.  We don't know if the documentation we hope to preserve will remain safely stored away.  Thus, we're calling for a pro-freedom internet archive system that we can be confident will keep these digital documents safe for posterity. 

This would especially be the bailiwick of radio raconteur Glenn Beck, who is preserving historic documents and artifacts.  This type of project would fall in along the same lines as the online preservation of historic documents. 

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image: Wayback Machine.

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