Beto: Those who can't, teach

We learned that Robert F. O'Rourke, or Beto with the RFK hairdo, is going to teach at the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics.  They've hired him as a fellow.  I hope Beto's supporters don't regard that title of "fellow" as too "male-centric." 

Here is the story:

Anthony Fowler, a public policy professor at the University of Chicago, told The Fix that although "there have probably been more fellows from the political left than the right" he believes the program "gives students the opportunity to learn from and make connections with these prominent and accomplished individuals."

"Former members of Congress are not, by and large, academic scholars, and we're bringing them to campus for reasons largely unrelated to their intellectual contributions," Fowler said. "So students should not think of IOP events as substituting for their work in the classroom."

Other fellows include former Michigan Congressman Pete Meijer, a Republican who lost his primary in 2022. One of Meijer's first votes as a new congressman in 2021 was to impeach President Donald Trump.

Former Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, who lost his re-election bid in 2022, will also join as a fellow.

Okay.  So we wish Beto all the luck in the world.  Honestly, I'd rather have him teaching far away from Texas than as president, U.S. senator, or governor.

Let me suggest a couple of ideas for the courses.

First, should candidates for the U.S. Senate be funded primarily by leftists outside your home state?

Second, should presidential candidates make statements just to get clicks on Twitter?

Third, should a candidate for governor of Texas spend so much time hoping the power grid breaks down?

Stay up there for a while, Beto.  You may find Cook County more suitable for your ideas anyway.

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Image: Gage Skidmore.

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