Do the global elites know what they are talking about?

If the architects of the New World Order have proven anything over the years, it is that they are not competent enough to run such a thing.
George Soros can't even cheat competent people into local office, so what exactly makes the "stateless statesman" qualified to bring in a New World Order?
Take the example of the candidates he backed for high office in Chicago. If Chicago had a balanced budget, and was crime- and corruption-free, I would look at the Soros candidates and say, "Wow, maybe the Davos guys are on to something, maybe world government will work." 
But Soros-backed Mayor Lori Lightfoot and District Attorney Kim Foxx are idiots, and Chicago is an unflushed toilet full of number two. Soros backs incompetence, therefore it stands to reason that he is also incompetent.
Bill Gates can't even design a computer operating system that isn't vulnerable to outside code attack, and yet he thinks he's an expert on human disease all of a sudden.  He lectures us on climate change from a private jet as his daughter buys an 8,000 square foot energy hog of a palace to live in.
Anthony Scaramucci couldn't hold a government job for two full weeks.
Warren Buffett bemoans the low taxes he pays, but would it kill him to give $5 million to Omaha to fill some potholes without taxing him?
And Klaus Schwab.   Seriously, the guy looks like a Bond villain... just based on the fact that he looks like he is in charge of SPECTRE should disqualify him from designing world government. What comes out of his mouth is even worse.
You know who else shouldn't be allowed near government design? Anyone named Rockefeller!   We did it their way for a century, and ended up with a blue-haired, nonbinary, gender-confused mess.  The worst propagandists of our age broadcast live from Rockefeller Center, and the Rockefeller-funded "educational" foundations have created a mess of our schools and our society. 
And they did it on purpose, in order to convince you that self-determination is a bad idea, that family is a bad idea. That families are... "dysfunctional."
Sure, families can be manipulated into pretty much any behavior through a constant bombardment of print and electronic propaganda.  But if I want to see true "dysfunction" I need only look to "my" government.   
The best actors in government make the most loathesome people in my family look like Mother Teresa in comparison. 
The solution to incompetence in government in America is to perhaps have less of it, and not subject it to constant outside interference. 
The people who are trying to re-set us created this chaos, so they can "save" you from it.  It's 7 billion people versus a few dozen trust fund brats and secret club benefactors who have never held elected office.  They can't run the old world order, why on earth should they be trusted with a new one? 
Image: World Economic Forum by Sebastian Derungs via Wikimedia Commons (extracted image) // CC BY-SA 2.0
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