How can we prevent another COVID disaster?

State attorneys general need to provide an important deterrent that hopefully will accomplish two objectives: 1) prevent future deadly human-engineered viruses and pandemics and 2) prevent fraudulently laden, widespread mail-in voting in U.S. elections.  Among other things, this post attempts to "connect the dots" among elections, pandemics, deterrents, and actions of state attorneys general.

The needed deterrent requires investigation and, where warranted, prosecution and punishment of high-level officials found guilty of COVID-19-related crimes committed against the citizens of an attorney general's state.  Meaningful punishments for COVID-related crimes hopefully will serve as an effective deterrent against the development and transmission of future bio-engineered viruses.  Further, if there is no pandemic causing citizens to stay away from voting places, this excuse for greater instances of mail-in voting disappears.

A review of publicly available evidence indicates that there are several high-level American officials who, either directly or indirectly, appear to have enabled the transmission of the COVID-19 virus to thousands of citizens living in all 50 states.  It can be argued that these  officials acted in a highly negligent manner, and thus, they need to be investigated by one or more attorneys general to determine if, in fact, crimes have been committed per state criminal statutes. 

Attorneys such as Dr. Francis Boyle, noted criminal and international law professor, advocate for at least one American state attorney general to use his own prosecutorial authority to conduct a thorough investigation of these officials' actions against citizens of his state.  Victims on which to base a criminal investigation and prosecution can be found among the many next of kin of loved ones lost due to the COVID-19 virus itself and/or treatments received or not received in hospitals and other facilities.

According to the Worldometer website, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the deaths of over 1,128,000 Americans, with the top three states being California, with over 99,000 deaths; Texas, with over 92,000 deaths; and Florida, with over 84,000 deaths attributed to the COVID-19 virus or treatments received in hospitals and other facilities.

Considering all the above, there is a bona fide reason and need to investigate various high-level American officials for their actions prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic.  If fact-based evidence establishes criminality, then indictments need to be issued and jury trials conducted.  American national elections soon will occur, and there is little time to waste if, indeed, there truly is deterrent value in the prosecutions and meaningful punishments described herein.

Paul S. Gardiner is a retired Army officer, Vietnam veteran, and avid lover of America.  He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, University of Alabama, and the U.S. Army War College.

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