Joy knows derailments

Trump Derangement Syndrome affects people in different ways.  Sometimes it drives a news network so far into the anti-Trump corner that it loses its viewers — say, CNN.  Often it is reflected in the lunatic things that people say, such as Joy Behar and her sidekick Asuncion.

This is how Joy described the derailment in Ohio:

Joy Behar shocked audience members of "The View" on Thursday when she implied that Donald Trump–voting residents of East Palestine, Ohio, have nobody to blame but themselves for the toxic train derailment that's rocked the small town.

Gasps could be heard from the crowd after the comment by Behar, who also insinuated that the devastating Feb. 3 derailment was a result of the former president's actions in the White House.

"I don't know why they would ever vote for him, for somebody who, by the way, he placed someone with deep ties to the chemical industry in charge of the EPA's chemical safety office," said Behar, 80.

What an irresponsible person.

Derailments are a part of life, just like airplanes crashing.  They've happened before and will happen again.  To connect this derailment with a Trump policy or campaign contribution is beyond irresponsible.  Does everything have to be about Trump?  I guess yes, if you are infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Another woman, National Transportation Safety Board chair Jennifer Homendy, responded to the politics and told everyone to calm down.  She added this:

"There's a lot of misinformation on what would have prevented this," she said. "Everyone is guessing. I saw it all over media, which was driving me nuts. Those solutions, all of the ones I heard of, are not the solutions."

She hinted at an article that circulated soon after the derailment blaming it on a rule that would have mandated faster brakes on some trains, which was withdrawn in 2017. She said those brakes would not have prevented this derailment or even have significantly reduced its severity.

Last, but not least, "Scranton Joe" was in Kiev handing out dollars.  I'm not against supporting Ukraine against Putin.  However, Air Force One could have made a quick stop in Ohio and put the president in touch with people hurting from the derailment.  The first lady could have visited the area before going on her Africa mission.

So we are left with no presidential visit, more horrible comments from Joy Behar, and residents in Ohio wondering why.

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Image: Steve Shook.

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