School choice scholarships for all children really trigger Arizona leftists

The average Democrat doesn’t spend their day thinking; they’re just living in a state of emotion and instant gratification. Therefore, it’s no wonder they’re completely given over to ill-conceived ideas and misinformation; in other words, leftism. Low intellect mixed with hypersensitivity makes for the perfect storm: they identify with the political philosophy that meets their needs… which is why blue voters in Arizona currently find themselves in the throes of a nervous breakdown.

Back story: Arizona has a unique scholarship program (ESA), which allows for recipients to redirect the money that would have been spent on their public education towards a private one of their choice. Historically, program funds were doled out using a lottery system, but that all changed during the last legislative session, when the Republican legislature and Republican governor enacted “ESA for all” — don’t get any ideas though thinking these Republicans aren’t RINOs, this ‘job well done’ was an anomaly.

Understandably, leftists are throwing a temper tantrum. Parental rights like school choice is for the birds! What would they do without an audience of children to whom they could read and show pornography?

Parents? How in the world are they qualified to make choices for their children? I’m the one with a master’s degree! They aren’t nearly as educated!’ (No, that wasn’t sarcasm, because yes, it is almost verbatim what a “teacher” said recently regarding a new parental rights bill; read Andrea Widburg’s breakdown here.)

But, check out this tweet below:

Am I reading that right? Per her bio, the author of the tweet is a devout leftist — a political philosophy which openly promotes the grooming of children in schools. But now, all of a sudden, she’s concerned that adults charged to educate the younger generations might exploit or abuse those under their tutelage?

But not only that! Leftists consistently poo-poo accountability for the flowing money spigot to Zelensky and don’t seem to have a problem with a $32 trillion national debt, but now they’re suggesting our taxpayer money isn’t being spent judiciously and ethically? Am I being punked? This feels like a prank.

A few years back, I watched in amazement (or perhaps stunned horror is a better descriptor) as a group of three Arizona leftists scanned Netflix for something to watch. This is not an exaggeration: it took them north of 40 minutes to find something… because one of them or another had seen each of the options through which they flipped. How many was it? Was it hundreds? Or thousands?

Seriously, how much time do these people spend getting programmed in front of a television? Even speculating what that answer might be makes me sick — but, the experience was an eye-opener, because these are the people with whom we’re dealing. Their vote is worth as much as mine… isn’t that terrifying?

Funny enough, one of those lefties is in fact a teacher, with a master’s degree, and later that night as I told her of my intentions to homeschool, she asked “do you really think you’re qualified?” Mind you, this is a woman who works in a school that has this “artwork” on their walls:

Um, yeah, I think I’m qualified — I’m not interested in brainwashing my precious children into the Biden Youth.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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