The needle and the damage done

That was the title of a song about heroin by Neil Young 50 years ago.  It is also the grim reality facing those who took the vaccine route in the hope of averting a COVID infection.

It turned out that the vaccination for COVID didn't stop infection, hospitalization, or death.

The joy of vaccination has dropped off to the extent that some of the vaccination enthusiasts have asked for an amnesty for their crimes against humanity.  But the damage has been done.

It was easy enough to predict that vaccination would be useless against a coronavirus.  Coronaviruses simply mutate too fast.  The surprise was that the COVID vaccination was worse than useless.  The more doses you have, the more likely you are to be infected and re-infected.

This is a graph from one study published by medRxiv, a group founded by Yale University, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, and BMJ, which pre-publishes upcoming medical information ahead of its peer-review process. 

Image credit: medRxiv, shareable chart.

The horizontal axis is the number of days since the start of the study.  The vertical axis is the cumulative number of COVID infections by vaccination status.  The black line at the bottom is the unvaccinated cohort.  The orange (or tan) line at the top shows those who have had four doses.  The four-dose enthusiasts have three times the infection rate of the unvaccinated.  The chart can also be viewed here.

Vaccination is not supposed to increase the infection rate for a disease.

German paper from late last year, published in Science Immunology, now tells us why.

Briefly, there are four types of Immunoglobulin G ,which together represent 75% of the serum antibodies in humans.  IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and normally constitute 99.96% of the Immunoglobulin G in circulation.  IgG4 is normally the balance of 0.04%.

What the German study found was that vaccination caused the proportion of IgG4 to rise after the second dose and again after the third dose to near 40% in some individuals after the third dose.  Why this is a bad thing is because the role of IgG4 is to stop the immune system from overreacting to allergens like pollen.  What that means in COVID is that the IgG4 antibodies will bind to the COVID virions and stop the rest of the immune system from attacking them — which in turn means a higher COVID infection rate and a higher death rate.  After the third dose, those with higher IgG4 levels were more likely to be infected with COVID:

Image credit: Science Immunology, from shareable article.

As shown by the figure above, IgG4 levels don't immediately respond to vaccination; there is a lag of some months after the second dose.  FU stands for "Follow Up."

For those with a COVID infection after their third dose (shown by the circles with the gray fill), IgG4 levels rose again to up to 80% of total anti-spike antibodies.  Seemingly, there is a positive feedback loop until the individual can't cope with another COVID infection and dies.

According to this paper from 2021, the serum IgG4 level is predictive of COVID mortality.

Also with respect to vaccination, an Israeli study found no increased incidence of myocarditis or pericarditis in unvaccinated patients recovering from COVID.  This suggests that all the heart attacks in teenagers, 20- and 30-year-olds, etc. may be caused by the COVID vaccination.  And the COVID vaccines are also responsible for the Federal Aviation Authority widening the acceptable ECG (electrocardiogram) range for pilots.

Yet some are still wondering if COVID has anything to do with heart problems.  Let's cut to the chase.  What did Ralph Baric, still resident at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, spend the 1990s doing?  His 1990s were spent fruitfully studying how to use a coronavirus to cause myocarditis in rabbits.  You will notice a consistent theme in these papers he co-authored in that period:

1992: An experimental model for myocarditis and congestive heart failure after rabbit coronavirus infection

1992: An experimental model for dilated cardiomyopathy after rabbit coronavirus infection

1993: Electrocardiographic changes following rabbit coronavirus-induced myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy

1995: Echocardiographic changes following rabbit coronavirus infection

1999: ECG changes after rabbit coronavirus infection

Any exposure to the spike protein, from the vaccine or the virus, will cause myocarditis.  And the mRNA vaccines are producing spike protein with a functioning furin cleavage site so that it will produce two sections, each more inflammatory than the parent structure.  So Baric's 1990s wasn't a wasted decade.  Plenty of people have died of heart failure as a result.

There is a quote from Dr. Anthony Fauci to suit any circumstance with respect to vaccines.  The one that is apposite in this instance is from 1999, in which he is discussing the stages in the development of a vaccine, from initial trials of one to two hundred to:

Now, let's give it to thousands of people, and then you find out that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose. And then, what have you done?

We are not at that stage yet, but we can see it coming.

In the interim, a combination of vitamin D, ivermectin, zinc glycinate, and quercetin is our best chance of suppressing COVID infection.

And even proper masks do protect against COVID.

Now the fate of millions is at stake with the vaccinated needing ivermectin far more than the unvaccinated do.  The economy will contract somewhat if we can't keep the vaccinated alive and productive.

David Archibald is the author of American Gripen: The Solution to the F-35 Nightmare.

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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