Irreconcilable differences but no divorce?

As a colleague once told me about a friend's divorce, the marriage reached a point where it could not be saved, and the couple could no longer live in peace together.  They call it "irreconcilable differences," and it was obvious to anyone watching that the couple had reached such a point.

Are we there as a country?  I wonder, reading what goes on every day.

Over in Los Angeles, a teen is arrested with two stolen guns after threatening the school, but D.A. George Gascon declines to charge.  In New York, Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg has a terrible case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, but bodegas are under siege from street criminals.  Who keeps these criminals terrorizing bodegas?  The name starts with B and ends with G — i.e., Bragg.  Disney, the same one that made classics like Old Yeller and Swiss Family Robinson, now goes woke with Strange World.  In school after school, parents learn that their kids are being indoctrinated without their consent.

It's scary for anyone who remembers a different past, when we argued with liberals about the minimum wage, not transgenderism.  Or they said that abortion should be rare and legal, but not in the late terms of the pregnancy.

It sure looks like two nations with irreconcilable differences, or the early stages of a divorce.  Is there any hope to save this Union?  I found this post by Athena Thorne rather good:

By late last fall, my colleague Mark Tapscott reported that polls showed the relocations are expected to gain momentum: "the trend is going to be accelerating in coming years, and that means the alignments of national politics may well be about to shift big-time."

As Athena points out, we are not going to see a civil war with a 21st-century Gettysburg.  What we will see is a gradual realignment instead, or people moving to red states looking for more freedom, such as low taxes and school choice.  They will leave behind states and cities decaying and drowning in their excessive taxation, lawless streets, and schools that benefit no one.

President Biden's ESG veto is the latest example that will drive more states to reclaim their sovereignty from Washington.  The veto of a bipartisan bill was met by governors who will not sit idle and tolerate this kind of executive overreach.

Can we avoid a divorce?  Let's hope that we can by having people move to other parts of the country where they recognize the America that they love.

PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.

Image: Angr.

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