NPR now stands for Not Popular Radio

Best wishes for all of those NPR employees who got their layoff notices. 

It's not nice at all to get the word that you are out. 

This is the story:

NPR itself confirmed Thursday that it had cut 10% of its workforce on Thursday, impacting roughly 100 employees, adding that it tends to roll back the workforce from 1,200 to an estimated 1,050 employees, the "largest reduction in staff since the 2008 recession."

"We literally are fighting to secure the future of NPR at this very moment by restructuring our cost structure. It's that important. It's existential," NPR chief executive John Lansing told NPR's media correspondent David Folkenflik.

Apparently, ad revenue will drop $30 million in 2023.

Back in the 1980s, I lived and worked in Mexico and would listen to NPR's "Morning Edition" every morning via Armed Forces Radio on my Radio Shack shortwave radio.  In the evenings, I would catch "All Things Considered" when I was wrapping up my day or making a few more phone calls.

It was my news source when I was shaving and getting ready for work.  As I recall, they weren't Rush Limbaugh, but as leftists, they weren't crazy.  In other words, I could pick up the bias, but it wasn't like today, when listening to NPR is like paying for a subscription to a Beto O'Rourke podcast.

How crazy is NPR today?  Not long ago, they broadcast an abortion.  The editor did issue a warning that the audio of a woman while getting a surgical abortion may be disturbing.  Really?  Broadcasting an abortion like a play-by-play call of a game may be disturbing?

More crazy stuff?  A few days ago, the same NPR issued an official correction following a story published Friday, which argued that "there is limited scientific research" supporting the idea that males have a "physical advantage" over females in competitive sports.

Are we crazy yet?  So NPR became Not Popular Radio because sane people do not want to listen to an abortion or believe that women can compete with men and keep winning trophies.

Good luck, NPR, but don't blame the economy for your misfortune.  Your staff has a serious diversity problem, and I don't mean race, sex, or LGBT whatever.

PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.

Image: Mr.TinMD via Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0.
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