UNC Pediatric Medicine goes woke

The University of North Carolina imposes Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE, sometimes DEI) throughout its medical system.  Last year, the vice dean for DIE at the medical school, E. Nathan Thomas, declared, "We're infusing DEI into the fabric of the School of Medicine and the institution."  In 2021, UNC Health hired its first chief diversity, inclusion, and equity officer at $126,000/year.  Neither employee holds a medical doctorate; both serve the UNC School of Medicine Health Executives Committee.

The executive dean of the School of Medicine, Cristy Page, co-authored a paper about systemic racism in the health care workforce, which read like a word search puzzle of woke jargon.  The paper concluded that merit would no longer be required for leadership positions, and all UNC employees would need unconscious bias training.

UNC Health compelled medical department heads to attend Critical Race Theory–based racial equity training.  According to a detailed report by the organization Do No Harm, the UNC medical school paid nearly $100,000 for students to attend anti-racist workshops, where they learned, "UNC was built on and profited from the seizure of indigenous land."

Individual departments like Pediatrics or Radiology developed their own DIE action plans, with timelines to hold leaders accountable to DIE ideology.  The Department of Surgery plan includes "[i]mplementation of Social Justice Curriculum during Surgery Clerkship" and "[h]olistic review of application for surgery residencies."  I envision surgery resident candidates writing application essays entitled "Abolition and Appendicitis: How Abdominal Pain Diagnosis Affects Systemic Change" or "I'm Marginalized; Hand Me the Scalpel."

Fostering DIE disciples in graduate programs is a dangerous game.  This week, a UNC law student was arrested and charged with domestic terrorism for participating in the Antifa attack on an Atlanta police training facility.  According to the Carolina Journal, the student (who is male but identifies as she/they) described himself as "a white trans femme organizer in Charlotte who is fiercely committed to supporting Black trans femmes, prison abolition, and destabilizing all forms of oppression."  The suspect's father, Michael Marsicano, former CEO of a large progressive philanthropic organization, financially backed a Racial Equity Initiative in Charlotte, N.C. and is a member of the Governing Board of Duke University Health System.  Is UNC (or Duke) preparing the next batch of medical students for similar violent activities in the name of anti-racism and equity?

UNC medicine and its ideologically driven administration coerced physicians into writing DIE statements on résumés.  The Department of Pediatrics sponsors workshops for experienced medical professors on DIE virtue-signaling for promotion requirements.  These lectures advocate that DIE statements be "a one-half to full-page summary documenting faculty members efforts' to support and further the [School of Medicine] DEI mission." 

Obviously, the health care system at UNC has been proud of forcing its DIE ideology into medicine — until recently.  Coinciding with the decision by the UNC Board of Governors (BOG) to end compelled DIE statements on résumés, the Department of Medicine and Department of Pediatrics password-protected their DIE resources.  Publicly funded medical departments are excluding the public from viewing "inclusive" materials without explanation.

Why would UNC physicians hide recently available DIE doctrine behind a passcode?  Could it be that those who use DIE over merit to advance in the medical hierarchy are afraid of people are recognizing their manipulative tactics?  Are woke administrations scared that the public understands how DIE "kills the intellect"?  Was the UNC BOG decision a signal for DIE-deluded doctors to hide their insidious ideology?

The answer is all of the above.  Exposing the ideologically driven far-left activism behind DIE and pushing back work.  The ideologues are scared, shielding their ideas of "inclusivity" from the very public that funds them.  They know that what they are doing is wrong.  Last year, the Department of Pediatrics removed two DIE resources (the gender-fluid Genderbread Man and supporting documents for the 1619 Project) following open criticism.  After the BOG decision, UNC medical departments — reluctant to give up DIE entirely — now hide the materials from view, knowing that their inclusive documents are not so inclusive or diverse after all.

The UNC Department of Pediatrics enjoys song-and-dance routines.  Following up their choreographed routine to celebrate "culturally sensitive care," the UNC pediatricians have released a third dance video — this time featuring the Pediatric DIE Committee vice chair singing in the shower.

Unfortunately, unlike their DIE resources, this song-and-dance routine isn't hidden from the viewing public.

Image: UNC School of Medicine.

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