Biden needs to read the story of the Model T

According to news reports, the Biden administration is about to go full "E.V."  This is the story:

The Biden administration unveiled the most aggressive tailpipe emissions ever crafted as part of its sweeping climate agenda and efforts to push Americans to buy electric vehicles (EV).

The vehicle pollution standards, proposed Wednesday by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and announced by the White House, will impact car model years 2027 through 2032. The White House said the regulations would "protect public health" by achieving carbon emission reductions of nearly 10 billion tons by 2055 and would save consumers an average of $12,000 over the lifetime of vehicles.

"Cars and truck manufacturers have made clear that the future of transportation is electric," the White House stated in a fact sheet. "The market is moving."

Moving?  It looks to me as though they are moving from the consumer who can't afford E.V.s or does not want to wait a long time to charge his car.  Like the Bud Light story, it's important to know your customer before you assume what he wants.

Based on what I hear, no one hates the E.V.  I have never heard a friend or acquaintance say he will never own an E.V.  People share commonsense concerns, such as price and finding a charging station.  Yes, it always comes down to price and convenience, which is why bank branches and stores moved to the suburbs, where people live.

All of this reminds me of a Henry Ford biography that I read years ago.  The section on the Model T was fascinating because it proved that Mr. Ford was not just a mechanic, but rather a man who wanted to sell his machines.  The car had many unique features for its time, but it was the affordable price that turned people into owners and Ford into a billionaire.  It's funny how that works! 

Memo to the White House: Listen to car buyers, not climate change activists.

PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.

Image: PxFuel.

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