ChatGPT's default setting is leftist

I’ve spent the last two nights listening to Tucker Carlson’s interview with Elon Musk. Musk is charming, informed, often very wise, committed to free speech, and ferociously intelligent. (I never forget, though, that he’s a climatista and, as he freely admits, he voted for Joe Biden.) One of the things they discussed was the speed with which Artificial Intelligence (AI) is developing and the risks it poses. One of those risks is the erasure of all ideas but for the ones AI advances, which can ultimately lead to human destruction. I ran a little experiment on Microsoft’s ChatGPT and discovered that we’re not there yet, but we’re getting close.

Currently, as Musk noted, AI is in the hands of two corporate tech giants: Google and Microsoft. Both have owners that are completely in bed with the Democrat party and actively hostile to conservative values. They support globalism, DEI, CRT, transgenderism, and just about every other type of insanity the left is visiting on America. I’ve heard, although had not proven to myself, that AI’s default setting is to espouse leftist viewpoints. It seemed worthwhile to see if I could replicate that result…and I could.

Image: AI Elon Musk in the style of Jan van Eyck using

My starting point was black-on-black violence. The subject should concern all of us, both because it’s unconscionable that there are so many predators within the black community preying on the innocent simply trying to get through their days and because violence never stays confined to a single community but, always, metastasizes. What plagues America’s inner cities will soon plague America. The problem of black-on-black crime, and its inevitable spread, was the topic of Tucker’s monologue last night:

Right now, the Democrats are riding the racist tiger, with a big smile on their faces as they use it to achieve political power. However, they should be warned about that old limerick, lest they discover that they return from the ride, with the Democrats inside and the smile on the face of the tiger.

But about AI’s bias. Using my Microsoft sign-in, I went to ChatGPT and asked it to “write an essay about black on black crime.” Within 10 seconds, I got a scarily well-written essay that used every leftist trope there is to explain the black-on-black crime phenomenon (emphasis mine):

Black on black crime is a troubling and complex issue that has plagued many communities for decades. It refers to incidents of violence, including murder, assault, and robbery, committed by black individuals against other black individuals. While this issue has been the subject of much discussion and debate, it is important to understand the root causes and potential solutions to this problem.

One factor that contributes to black on black crime is poverty. Many African American communities in the United States face economic disadvantages, including limited access to education, jobs, and resources. This can lead to feelings of hopelessness and desperation, which in turn can fuel criminal activity. Furthermore, poverty can create an environment in which gangs and other criminal organizations thrive, further perpetuating the cycle of violence.

Another contributing factor is the prevalence of guns in many African American communities. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, firearms are used in the majority of homicides involving black victims. The easy availability of guns in these communities, combined with high levels of poverty and crime, can create a dangerous and volatile environment that can lead to tragic outcomes.

Additionally, the legacy of systemic racism and discrimination cannot be overlooked. Historical injustices, such as redlining, racial profiling, and police brutality, have had a profound impact on black communities and can contribute to a sense of anger and distrust towards law enforcement. This can make it difficult for individuals to feel safe and protected, leading to an increased likelihood of violence and crime.

To address this issue, it is important to take a multifaceted approach that addresses the root causes of black on black crime. This may include addressing issues of poverty and access to education and resources, as well as implementing policies and programs to reduce the availability of guns in these communities. Additionally, efforts should be made to build trust between law enforcement and the community, and to address the systemic issues of racism and discrimination that have contributed to this issue.

It is also important to note that the term "black on black crime" can be problematic, as it implies that violence within black communities is unique or more prevalent than violence in other communities. In reality, violence is a complex issue that affects people of all races and backgrounds. While it is important to address the specific issues facing African American communities, it is equally important to acknowledge that violence and crime are not unique to these communities and should be addressed on a broader societal level.

In conclusion, black on black crime is a complex and troubling issue that requires a multifaceted approach. By addressing the root causes of poverty, gun violence, and systemic racism, we can work towards building safer and more equitable communities for all.

That could have come straight out of any American college’s Black Studies Department, except for the fact that it’s written with greater clarity and less cant than ordinary academic writing.

What’s noteworthy is that, with an open-ended question, leftism is the default setting. You can, however, adjust for that by specifically requesting that ChatGPT “write about black-on-black crime from a conservative perspective.” Adding those extra words yielded another frighteningly well-written essay that is sufficiently conservative to grace any conservative website:

From a conservative perspective, black on black crime is a serious issue that has been largely ignored by mainstream media and liberal politicians. It is a symptom of a broader cultural problem that has been exacerbated by failed liberal policies and a lack of personal responsibility.

Conservatives argue that the root cause of black on black crime is the breakdown of the family structure within African American communities. According to statistics, over 70% of black children are born to unmarried mothers, which leads to a lack of parental guidance and support. This, in turn, leads to higher rates of poverty, unemployment, and crime.

Furthermore, conservatives argue that liberal policies have worsened the situation. For example, the welfare state has created a cycle of dependency and incentivized single parenthood, while affirmative action policies have created a victim mentality and lowered standards for academic and professional achievement. These policies have created a culture of entitlement and dependency, which can lead to frustration, hopelessness, and ultimately, crime.

Conservatives also point to the issue of gun control. While liberals often advocate for stricter gun control laws, conservatives argue that these laws only disarm law-abiding citizens, while criminals continue to have access to guns. This makes it more difficult for individuals to defend themselves and their communities, while criminals are emboldened to commit crimes.

Finally, conservatives argue that the liberal narrative of victimhood and systemic racism has contributed to the problem. By constantly promoting the idea that African Americans are victims of an oppressive system, liberals have created a culture of victimhood and entitlement, which can lead to resentment and anger towards authority. This, in turn, can lead to a lack of respect for law enforcement and a disregard for the law, which can contribute to higher rates of crime.

In conclusion, black on black crime is a serious issue that needs to be addressed from a conservative perspective. By focusing on the importance of family structure, personal responsibility, and law and order, we can work towards creating safer and more prosperous communities for all. It is time to reject failed liberal policies and embrace a culture of responsibility, hard work, and respect for authority.

If you haven’t yet started thinking about AI, Musk is right that you’d better do so. It’s not coming to America, it’s already here and, if you don’t know how to ask the right question, it’s going to apply a leftist filter to everything that it produces.

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