Did Hollywood predict the future in the 2016 thriller Jason Bourne?

In only seven years, a Hollywood dystopian thriller seems to have partially come true.

While I was talking to my brother, he mentioned the 2016 thriller movie Jason Bourne, in which the former CIA assassin discovers that the agency has killed his father and aims to control individuals' data through an internet app that secretly collects this information.  Through this method, the evil director of the agency can manipulate and control the government bureaucracy.  Is life imitating art, or were the writers, director Paul Greengrass and Oscar-winner Christopher Rouse, using characters created by novelist Robert Ludlum, warning us what was coming?

Today, there can be no doubt that their ideas have come to fruition.  The FBI clearly interacted with social media giants to influence the 2020 presidential election by having these companies bury the information regarding the Hunter Biden laptop computer.  Going farther, these platforms cut off accurate information, acting as editors, for weeks.  In this way, the government censored free speech through a third party, allowing some deniability for violating the First Amendment.

The arguments over the app known as TikTok center on whether this program is a spyware for the Communist Party of China.  But this is not the only app capable of spying.  How about the National Security Agency, which gathers data from all our calls?

Our bureaucracies have sought to exercise control over immigration for nefarious purposes.  The illegal migrants will eventually have children who will gain birthright citizen status.  This will give their parents a greater chance to gain employment status and government benefits.  Eventually, they might gain citizenship, too, but this will take years.  But the greater damage is the entrance of illegal drugs into our society, killing around 100,000 yearly.  This is not incompetence by Homeland Security secretary Mayorkas, but intentional destruction of our federalism and constitutional government.  He was not truthful at the Senate hearing last week when he denied knowledge of the cartel bracelets.  He could not define assault weapons that he wants to ban.

While in the thriller, people are eliminated via death, over the last seven years, the establishment has sought to exit Donald Trump through political and legal means.  Now that he has been indicted in NYC, I expect the same to happen in deep blue Atlanta and Washington, D.C., whether the facts and law support such a finding.  The Washington establishment has determined that Trump poses too great a threat to their power, influence, and financial position.  This includes persons from both major parties.

While corruption and stupidity helped destroy the Roman empire as well as many other historic powers, we can see this trend within our country.  While we do not have a superhero as in the movies and novels, we do have the chance to use our brains and reject this abuse.  Republicans and reasonable moderates and independents must wake up and vote to end this corruption and abuse of power.  If the numbers are high, then the opposition cannot cheat in highly Democrat districts, taking critical battleground states and congressional districts.  Maybe those who have been sleeping will realize that if they can do this to Trump, with all his money and position, what can they do to us? 

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