How dangerous is artificial intelligence or AI?

Currently, artificial intelligence, or AI, is in the news.

ChatGPT, a written form of AI, figures prominently. People in the tech industry are warning that humans are not ready for the latest developments and may be shocked by future ones coming down the pike. Some fear that AI may make its own decisions without human input and try to destroy human civilization the way that we know it. A more immediate fear is that psychology, sociology, education, and politics has been ideologically left-biased for decades and if internet information is used as the primary information input source, AI will mostly regurgitate left wing bias in the articles which it produces.

AI is basically a logical structure or computer program which makes decisions based on inputted information and can’t tell whether the information is emotionally charged and true or whether the inputted information is a lie, false, biased, deceptive, or untrue. This is why AI is terrible at making correct ethical choices of right or wrong and filtering out lies, deceit, and biased opinions from inputted information.

The basic truism - garbage in usually results in garbage out, is a reality. If about 10% of AI inputted information is biased, deceptive, or untrue, then about 10% of the output will also be biased, deceptive, and untrue.

Unfortunately, it is true of humans in general that if they are presented with 90% believable information then they are very likely to also believe in the truth of the 10% which is bias, deceptions, and lies or untruths.

This makes AI a potentially great tool for con artists that present you with believable truths, leave out relevant truths, and promote their biases and untruths as facts or truths to get you to buy a product or service that they are offering you. This is why the reputation of the human or con artist is of paramount importance and a human that you know well and trust should be respected more than a stranger or con artist who promises you what you would like to get but know in your gut that you will probably not get it.

Probably the most unnerving aspect of AI is its ability to lie with audio, video, or pictures called “deep fakes.” You can actually now make believable audio videos of humans you know saying and doing things which they never did. What a great tool for frameups and character assassinations!

A radical frameup with evidence from a deep fake video presented in court, if accepted, could put you in jail for many years, especially if it is a fake murder scene with you being the killer in the video. An example of character assassination would be an audio-visual scene of a politician making antisemitic, racist, or false statements which he or she never made. Seeing, hearing, and believing takes on a new frightful twist where what video you hear and see may not be true!

In the broadest sense, AI or artificial intelligence is a technological tool which can be considered to be a means to an end or desired results. The end goal may be good or bad depending on whether AI is controlled by good, moral or ethical, competent, law-abiding humans or controlled by bad, immoral or unethical, law-breaking humans. So, not only can properly set up AI help to make a legal organization more efficient and profitable, it can also help make a criminal organization more efficient and profitable.

The application of AI will have to struggle with eternal human nature and its inherent problems of making good and bad decisions in life. Will future AI be trustworthy, moral or ethical, dependable, competent, friendly, and just or will future AI in this or other countries be untrustworthy, immoral or unethical, undependable, incompetent, unfriendly, corrupt and unjust? The good or bad leaders of nations and organizations will determine what ends or goals AI will be used for- good or bad or even evil. Therein lies the existential question of our times. Will AI be used mostly for good or will the greedy profit motive eventually make many applications bad for the public at large? Only time will tell. Will AI turn a nation into a leftist dystopia? Only time will tell.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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