Justice in the Trump indictment

What is justice?

If laws are predetermined and meted equally to all parties, there is justice.

If laws are unequally applied to serve the interests of those in power against those not in power, justice is absent.  What we then have is authoritarianism.

The preamble to the Constitution states:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, to ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Our Founders in their deep wisdom established justice as the pre-eminent virtue in the formation of our "more perfect" Union.  All of the other virtues — tranquility, defense, welfare, liberty — are predicated on the establishment of justice, for if justice doesn't exist, then the rest are just buzzwords without objective meaning.

Societies prior to our founding were premised on power.  Whether a king, lord, sovereign, or warlord, those with power applied "their justice" to those in their charge.  Justice was whatever the king determined justice was.

In a self-governing constitutional republic, the Founders wished to provide equal standing before the law to all the citizens.  The Constitution would establish the basis for all laws under which the people and their elected representatives would be governed.  These pre-established laws would then (in theory) form the adjudication of right and wrong.

The farther we've moved from our Founding, along with the dereliction of our, ahem, educational system, the less credence has been paid to established law.  Today, those in power, along with their sycophantic tech allies and media mouthpieces, have run roughshod over the law and have determined that it is they who are the arbiters of truth and justice.

Stalin's secret police chief, Lavrentiy Beria, once bragged that he could prove criminal conduct in  anyone, even the innocent.  "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."

Thus, we are shown Donald J. Trump.  Is there an American alive or past who has been targeted for prosecution more than our 45th president?

First it was Russian Collusion, subsequently determined to be a sham, with Hillary Clinton illegally paying for the bogus Steele dossier.  Hillary, Comey, Steele, Sussmann, Page, and Strzok should have all been prosecuted for their part in this malicious prosecution.

Then it was the Ukraine phone call.  Donald Trump asked Volodymyr Zelensky to help investigate former vice president Joe Biden and his quid pro quo in the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden.  A perfectly good call.  Joe, Hunter, and other agents of the Obama White House should be sitting in jail for these illegalities.

Having gone 0 for 4, including the two failed impeachments, the Democrats have ramped up ever more lawfare to target "the man," relying on long-discredited lawyer Michael Cohen and failed porn star Stormy Daniels to bring federal charges for a long-past-statute-of-limitations misdemeanor (at best).

They also have on the docket a sham grand jury out of Fulton County (one of the most corrupt jurisdictions in the country, next to New York) alleging vote-tampering and election interference, where Donald Trump provides Georgia's RINO secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, evidence of a myriad of voting irregularities to investigate.  Another perfect phone call.

And lastly, the DoJ, the FBI, and the Biden administration are targeting Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents, resulting in a midnight FBI raid, while at the same time Donald Trump was cooperating with federal agents to clarify any potential documents that he should not have had in his possession.  Subsequently, dozens if not hundreds of documents have been found in Joe Biden's possession, next to his Corvette in Delaware.  Not a peep.

Again, what is justice?  How many bites at the apple do one's political opponents get, while they skate time and again, for equal if not more egregious criminal behaviors?  

We are either a nation established on justice or a nation premised on power.

Nancy Pelosi states it plainly, when she says, "No one is above the law, and everyone has a right to trial to prove innocence."

Donald Trump is already guilty, you see.  Now all they need to do is find the crime.

If Donald Trump, one of the most powerful men in the world, can be targeted for malicious prosecution, how do we the people fare in this application of justice?  Good and hard, I'd imagine.

Image: Pix4free.org.

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