Pro-DeSantis super-PAC runs ad telling Trump to 'fight Democrats'

I have been deeply distressed by the TV ad currently running that attacks Ron DeSantis for supposedly wanting to cut Social Security.  The ad comes from a group that has "Make America Great Again" in its name, so obviously it is a pro-Trump super-PAC.  As a matter of law, candidates cannot direct the activities of a super-PAC, so one can't directly blame President Trump for the ad.  But he is free to say that he thinks Republicans should attack Democrats, not one another, and that probably would put an end to the ads.

That's no doubt why a super-PAC supporting Ron DeSantis called "Never Back Down, Inc." has put out an ad asking President Trump to do exactly that (via The Jewish Voice):

Donald Trump is being attacked by a Democrat prosecutor in New York. So why is he spending millions attacking the Republican governor of Florida? ... What happened to Donald Trump?

Saving the country from another term of a Democrat president takes priority over any politician's personal ambition in my book.  Trumpian attacks on DeSantis do not enhance for the former president's standing.

Photo credit: Twitter video screen grab.

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