San Francisco State University believes assault and ransoming is a 'disruption'

A mob assaults a woman and holds her for ransom.  The violence is caught on video, but no arrests are made.  And a San Francisco State University official praises the criminals.

Is it any surprise that crime is running rampant in San Francisco and California?  The politicians can't figure out who the criminals are.

Earlier this month, a transgender mob assaulted Riley Gaines, a former NCAA women's swimming champion, who, unlike "Lia" Thomas, is a woman.  It happened after she gave a speech at San Francisco State University talking about protecting women's sports.

Upon leaving, a mob "ambushed" her in the hallway, and she was "hit by a man wearing a dress."  Video captured much of the chaos as Gaines was rushed into another room for her safety.  Gaines confirmed on social media that she had been "ambushed and physically hit twice by a man."

"The prisoners are running the asylum at SFSU...I was ambushed and physically hit twice by a man.  This is proof that women need sex-protected spaces," she wrote in a tweet.

However, despite university police being present and videos of the mob posted, no arrests were made.  Why not?  If this had been a Democrat woman saying she had been assaulted and held for ransom, a huge investigation would have been launched.  Gov. Gavin Newsom and Rep. Nancy Pelosi would have run for the nearest television camera to denounce the violence.  The president of the college would have apologized and expelled anyone involved.

Instead, we have Jamillah Moore, SFSU vice president for student affairs and enrollment management, issuing a statement that said in part, "Thank you to our students who participated peacefully in Thursday evening's event.  It took tremendous bravery to stand in a challenging space."  Bravery?  They were dozens protesting against one woman.  That is bullying.

Nowhere in her statement does Moore apologize to Gaines for what happened to her.  No, in her mind, Gaines is to blame for creating a challenging space.

Note that even Moore doesn't go so far as to say that Gaines was creating a dangerous space.  The best she can come up with is that Gaines challenged the students, and they failed to rise to the challenge, despite what Moore thinks.  They could have engaged Gaines in debate, asked questions backed by facts, or even protested peacefully.  They did none of that.  Gaines disagreed with them, so she needed to shouted down and driven away because they couldn't stand having their thinking challenged.

By supporting the actions of the student mob in her official capacity with SFSU, Moore has made the college legally vulnerable to the legal actions Gaines has promised.

It doesn't help that the university police have dropped the ball because they have not made any arrests so far.  Maybe they are out of their depth, or maybe they buy into the administration line that calls this a "disruption."  So, in the view of the left, if a Republican man happened to brush by a Democrat woman in a hall, that is assault, but if a woman is hit multiple times, is held against her will in a room for three hours, and has money demanded from her to be released by a Democrat mob, it is simply a "disruption."

By holding back the investigation of this incident, the Democrats get a two-fer.  They have allowed their mob to get away with crimes, and they make the police look bad because they aren't allowed to investigate the crimes.

What they fail to realize is that a hate crime has taken place on a campus that receives federal funds.  If the state fails to take proper action, the federal government has a reason to step in.

Michael A. Letts is the CEO and founder of In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.  

Photo credit: Twitter video screen grab (cropped).

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