Shouldn't most media outlets be sueable?

Most of the media has been disparaging and seeking to destroy Fox News, and their on-air personalities, for the sole reason that they aren’t 100% in the tank for Democrats and their radical, leftist policies. Now, most media outlets are having a collective orgasm as they cheer for Dominion in their massive lawsuit about the 2020 election.

Shouldn’t almost all media outlets be sued for their continuous regurgitation of intentional lies about Russian disinformation and calling Trump an illegitimate President. They intentionally disregarded the truth for years as they sought to destroy Trump and his administration. They supported continuous witch hunts that were based on nothing. They continually had people like Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell on to spread the lies. They disenfranchised the voters that supported Trump by falsely calling him an illegitimate President.

The interference in elections by the American media dwarfed anything Russia, China, and Iran have ever done.

Media outlets should also be sued for colluding with the Justice Department. And fifty former intelligence officials to disregard the truth about the Biden family corruption by burying the story with the fiction that it appeared to be Russian disinformation. The media has known about foreign money going to Hunter and the family for years, yet they buried the story because they were interfering in the election as they campaigned for Biden. This was clearly a blatant disregard for truth with the intent to intentionally harm Trump and to elect the incompetent, corrupt Biden.

The media should also be sued for the intentional disregard for the truth as they peddle the lie that the 2020 election was absolutely clean. They know Mark Zuckerburg committed fraud and they know that several states violated their election laws without going through the legislative process as required. The intent of spreading this disinformation is to destroy anyone who challenged the election. They are called election deniers who are threatening our democracy. The media never called Democrats who challenged the 2000, 2004, and 2016 election names nor did they say they weren’t fit to serve.  Again, the difference is solely because the media supports leftists and their policies.

Shouldn’t the media also be sued for all the misinformation they spread on COVID while silencing anyone who disagreed. One of the most egregious lies was when Trump and others wanted the Wuhan lab investigated as the source, the media, Fauci, and others colluded to disregard the truth as they falsely labeled an investigation of the lab as a disproven theory.

The massive permanent harm to children, families, businesses, and the entire economy is immeasurable due to misinformation and government edicts. How many people were fired and how many children were harmed by the unnecessary closing of schools, cutting off sports, and the useless requirement of masks?

Due to the willingness of the media to disregard truth and interfere in elections, the  United States has been infected with Biden, energy companies are being destroyed, and think of the harm to the poor and middle class because of the high inflation. The damages in a lawsuit would be huge.

When Bragg had a hearing in New York for charges against Trump for a non-crime, the compliant media gave it wall to wall coverage. Yet when there was a hearing on Monday with victims of murder, and other violent crime, showing how George Soros supported Bragg lets career criminals roam the streets and terrorize the citizens there was little to no interest by most of the media or the Biden administration.

The bias, as the mostly complicit media, supports the radical leftist policies to destroy or remake America is so tough to spot.

Image: Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images, via PicPedia

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