The assumptions of progressivism

Progressivism requires a boatload of assumptions.  Because it takes time and deep thinking to see the false and even the insane conclusions, most people do not have the patience, energy, or experience to chop through those assumptions.

Assumptions are always kept hidden in propaganda.  We only see or hear conclusions from the press: no one is above the law; we must have a free press; the people rule.  Joseph Goebbels once said, "Propaganda is an oversimplification of reality."  And all we ever get is propaganda from the elite media.

It's the assumptions, though, that need to be examined closely: those moments when you are reading the news or watching the news, and you realize that what you are seeing or hearing is false.  For example, NPR recently removed its account from Twitter because Twitter categorized it as "state-affiliated media."  NPR claimed that its editors were independent — i.e., we do not put out agenda-based propaganda.  "NPR has announced that it will no longer use Twitter to distribute its content after the social media platform began labeling the network as 'US state-affiliated media,' putting it in the same category as government mouthpiece publications like RT and China Daily."

I laughed aloud when I read this.  If NPR isn't propaganda, then what is?

It's in these laugh-aloud moments that you realize that the media have a platform, and you don't.  What can you do?  You don't have NPR's power to be heard, so what they write or say is a type of truth because it's the truth of power, and you almost believe what you think is falsehood.  It's a feeling of powerlessness.

However, there are other assumptions that are much more deeply hidden.  The most profound hidden assumption is power: the imperious institutions will always be in power and can never be removed.  If necessary, the FBI will be used to defend a defunct status quo.  What can you do?  "Defund the FBI and the DOJ," Trump wrote.  "The press is the enemy of the people," Trump said.  Almost every word we see or hear assumes these institutions are permanent and immutable.  Therefore, you must bend to their will and the will of the elites they have created.  The institutions are permanent, almost godlike.  The people are not.

Progressivism or propaganda is being taught to children because children lack the critical thinking skills and the experience to see the assumptions.  Plus, because assumptions are always intentionally hidden, children lack the capability to see anything except the finished product.  Therefore, they are an easy target for indoctrination.  Moreover, if children hear propaganda tens of thousands of times, by the time they grow up, anything will seem natural.

Progressivism is pure 24-carat-gold elitism.  It's the philosophy of the elites.  It says there will be change, but it never challenges real power.  The elites certainly aren't going to challenge their own power base (the institutions), now, are they?

Another principal assumption in this philosophy that is unstated is an appeal from the elites to be like the elites because they are better than the rest of the deplorable ignoramuses who don't get it.  You don't want to be like one of them — stuck in the past.  Listen to a Taylor Swift jingle, and you will hear a solid-gold hit of progressivist elitism (and she doesn't even realize this is what she's singing).  However, she can be heard.  You can't.

Elites have power, as they always have, and the hidden appeal in their argument is this: the hoi polloi are powerless; join us, and we will give you power — just for agreeing with us!  And we will use force (on you!) if you and the bigoted troglodytes get uppity.

Image: Public Domain.

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