The wild, wild United States of America


When was the last time you watched an old Hollywood western movie?  Most of the plots centered on a small town or farm with the characters living lives that were not easy and did not have modern conveniences.  Their lives were full of hard work, challenge, and danger from wild animals and "bad guys" looking to take something by any means necessary.  These characters responded only to violence or threat of violence.  The local sheriff supported the community and ensured that the short list of laws was observed and assisted when necessary.  There weren't 150 sheriffs in a town with tactical gear.  The citizens policed themselves and defended themselves against threats to their homes, family, and property.  There was no 911 to call.

Somewhere along the line, we forgot that we were responsible to defend ourselves and our loved ones.  We abdicated that responsibility to our local and state governments.  In turning the responsibility for our safety and security to our local law enforcement, we are now dependent on their process and response times.  We consciously or unconsciously agreed to firearm restrictions and gun-free zones.  These laws made soft targets of schools, churches, shopping malls, and concert venues, to name a few.  A "bad guy" shows up with a firearm, regardless of magazine capacity or firearm type, and proceeds to do whatever he wants until the police show up.  This response time could be five minutes or one and a half hours.  A great amount of damage and loss of life can happen within a short time frame.  These shooters know this.  They know that they will not face immediate resistance to their plan.  Shooters do not charge into a biker bar or hunting club to take life.  Why not?  Because they know the people inside the establishment are armed, and their evil mission will be over before it starts.

As our culture changes and crime increases, we have no other option but to defend ourselves and our communities.  We cannot rely on our local law enforcement to be everywhere all at once.  The crime trajectory is not going to improve due to the state of the economy and culture.  How many public shootings could have been stopped and lives saved by a law-abiding citizen?  No school should ever have a shooting.  It is pure negligence on the leadership's part that has enabled these murders.  There is no other excuse.  Ask yourself when is the last time there was a shooting at the Capitol Building.  Why?  It is heavily protected to keep our politicians safe.  Why not our children?  Ask your local school board, principal, and superintendent that question.

We live in a country now that resembles the 1800s.  We need to start thinking this way, whether it is convenient or not.  Denial does not make the problem of irresponsibility, crime, drugs, and mental illness go away.  Sympathy and understanding do not protect our children.  The threat of defensive violence does.  The potential for serious consequences for a criminal's behavior is a deterrent.  It has worked before, and it will work again.  We are not victims waiting the next incident or lucky that it did not happen to us. 

Firearms are our right as Americans.  Exercise that right.  Train and be proficient.  It will do nothing but to allow all of us to better and more effectively protect our loved ones and hard earned property from all aggressors who wish to do us harm.

It is very simple.  Firearms are not scary.  They are the great equalizers when you or your family is assaulted.  If you can swing a golf club or a tennis racket, or do virtually anything, you can get training and protect yourself and your loved ones.  If you don't believe in protection with firearms, don't do it for yourself.  Do it for your friends, your family, and the innocents around you. 

Don't let the wild animals and bad guys have their way.

It is that simple. 

AOF — American on Fire — is a private citizen who has had enough.

Image: PxHere.

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