German foreign policy is grotesque

Since the war in Ukraine, there have been stirrings of a debate on foreign policy in Germany.

This is always superficial and not honest.  Although here in Germany we always talk about values, there is still no foreign policy consensus.

When things get really bad, America has to judge.  Nevertheless, America is insulted by many Germans.  The popular slogan "ami go home!" is not coincidentally a popular slogan.  After all, every second person has advantages over America.  At least that was the result of a study by the Allensbach Institute in 2018.

It was particularly absurd here that Putin was trusted more than Trump, according to the same institute.  That shows the basic attitude of the Germans very well.  You don't have to be a fan of Donald Trump, but you have to be more afraid of him than Putin.  Putin is, after all, an ex-KGB man, while Trump just comes from business and entertainment.

That the Germans are at peace today is due to America and NATO.  They gave us a protective shield, and it stretched around us.  That's just a truth that many Germans don't want to hear.

Since the election is more important than informing citizens what foreign policy means, shouldn't one be surprised that one can no longer contribute to foreign policy or even security policy, and the only thing that is referred to is the good economic balance sheet?

One prefers not to hear that foreign policy can also mean geopolitical and security interests with the military, since many Germans also have problems with the army.  Their equipment and which politicians are supposed to take care of them is a joke.

Yes, you can afford that if others protect our security and debates about feminist foreign policy or even blind pacifism dominate.  There is even talk about abolishing conscription, as Karl Theodore zu Gutenberg did in 2011.  Our army is called the Bundeswehr.  That's because everything military is rejected up to the highest ranks.

That's what happens when you fail to talk about foreign policy goals in society as a whole.

Supporting Ukraine alone was such a farce, but equipping soldiers in Afghanistan didn't really work, either.  That's also because we have a strong peace movement like Linke.  We have three parties on the left in the Bundestag, and it is difficult to talk to them about armaments or operations.

It's better to die than fight here.

Mantras like "change through trade" are said, prayer wheel–like.  That means you network with countries as well as possible to demand democracy and prevent wars, and that it works semi-well is obvious, and not only since the Ukraine war.

The gas pipeline is such a network.  But there are others, such as China, Belarus, and Iran, to name just three, where the mantra just didn't work.

Now that there has been a reassessment, many think it will last for a long time.

I'm rather skeptical about that.

After all, there is already criticism of the military upgrade and upgrade of military equipment.  And of course, you can see it critically, but others don't see other issues critically.  It seems to be a pacificist reflex.

The one-off payment of 100 billion euros for military modernization would not have been necessary if one had not given up on defense earlier, in, for example the NATO 2% defense spending target.

But something else was always more important.

It will be interesting to see how things continue.  You just don't believe it when you hear so many debates in the Bundestag.  But also about energy security, which will certainly be special in the near future.  The so-called energy transition to green energy was made to show the world how good Germany is.

As for the Nordstream II pipeline, it should have been terminated the minute Crimea was occupied.  After all, many warned about it — for example, the Poles, the Balts, and the Americans.

We can thank the politicians that we are now becoming the idiots of Europe.

The migration and refugee policy also seems weak.

Islamic terror is more common in Europe.

Here, too, Germany failed.

In addition, there is the complete dependence of Germany on Russia for gas and also on China technologically.

What will happen if China attacks Taiwan?

Because Germany always wanted two things at once that were actually mutually exclusive.  One is doing business with any regime and belonging to the Western world.  The other is NATO protection without paying appropriately for it.

Germany also wants energy security without nuclear power because people fear the debate.  Germany also seeks moral superiority over other countries.

Appeasement can also be described as German foreign policy and can be summed up as "just don't make the aggressor angrier" or get involved in negotiations yet negotiate compromises. People generally see negotiations as a sign of weakness, yet how they work remains a mystery.  For the first time, Germany needs a debate on what foreign policy means.


Values ?

And yes, which one?

But until then, it's a long way away, because even then, you have to endure opinions that you don't like, and that's very difficult in Germany.

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