WaPo announces 'a debt ceiling' doesn't 'make sense'

They love big government and Democrats.  They think there essentially should be no limits to what the government should spend and borrow.  What could go wrong?

My guess is they can't conceptually spot the problem that someday, they can't service the debt.  They probably believe in the economic theory that government borrowing doesn't cost a thing because they can just print more money and hand out money to people like candy.

So who are "they"?

Well, "they" are the Washington Post editorial board, and they recently ran an article titled "The deal makes sense. Having a debt ceiling doesn't."

They don't mind when colleges incessantly jack up tuition rates with no regard as to whether or not the students can repay the loans.  After all, eventually, a Democrat president will come around and dictatorially "forgive" the debt.  Then, after the debt is "forgiven," they'll just send out more loans.  What could go wrong?

They don't mind if a Democrat president refuses to enforce the borders and we flood cities and rural America with invaders.  The government can just print more money to pay for "universal" health care, education, and housing.  What could go wrong?

They don't mind pro-crime states and prosecutors who facilitate career criminals terrorizing cities, and who let bands of shoplifters rob stores blind.  They probably are confused why stores are closing, why people are fleeing.  They might even complain that once-thriving metropolises like San Francisco are now like apocalyptic deserts, blaming feckless Republicans and their asinine policies like "budgets" and caps to "deficit spending."

They love politicians like Joe Biden and Janet Yellen, who have no concept of what causes inflation.  First, there was no inflation; then there was, but it was "transitory"; then the narrative was that "transitory" inflation is a good thing.  What went wrong?

Could it have been massive government spending and dictatorial actions by Biden to stop a pipeline, coupled with the commitment to infect the United States with radical leftist energy policies to destroy companies that produce reasonably priced energy?  It appears that the WaPo writers have no clue as to why inflation went from below 2% when Biden took office and immediately skyrocketed to a forty-year high.

Hint: It wasn't Russia, and it wasn't the supply chain problem.  Inflation held low during 2020 with COVID, and the economy was rapidly recovering before Biden took office.

Of course, the geniuses at the WaPo also believe that politicians and bureaucrats can control temperatures, sea levels, and the climate if we just give the government trillions of dollars and allow them to destroy our quality of life and companies that directly and indirectly employ tens of millions.  They repeat talking points to push the radical green agenda without asking any questions or doing any research to analyze the data.  They seem to be completely confused between what are speculative predictions (which have been consistently error-prone) and fact.

What could go wrong?

I think banks should just give customers unlimited credit without regard to their income or the clear destruction that would cause.  What could go wrong?

It is a true shame that the WaPo has such disregard for the harm unlimited government spending and borrowing would cause to this and future generations.

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