'115 Degrees Fahrenheit,' screams the New York Times headline

The New York Times wants us to be scared about climate:

But in point of fact, instead of seeking to scare people with high temperatures, most of the reporting lately talks about the heat index. The purpose is to make people think it is warmer than it is. BTW: California has been very comfortable so far this year, so we don't hear much about their temperatures.

The heat index wasn't used until 1979, which was just a few years after we were hearing that a coming ice age was going to kill us.

The heat index was developed in 1979 by Robert G. Steadman. Like the wind chill index, the heat index contains assumptions about the human body mass and height, clothing, amount of physical activity, individual heat tolerance, sunlight and ultraviolet radiation exposure, and the wind speed.

If you Google the question "What is the highest heat index ever recorded?," you actually get the highest actual temperature ever recorded, which was 134°F. which occurred in Death Valley, California in 1913.  A lot of other heat records occurred during the 1930s, so why do they keep telling the public that these are the hottest years on record and then claim that humans, cars, CO2, coal, methane, etc. have caused the high temperatures?

The highest temperature ever recorded in the U.S. was 134 degrees in Death Valley, California, on July 10, 1913. That's also the hottest temperature ever recorded anywhere on Earth.

In the central U.S., most of the Plains states have vaulted to at least 120 degrees. That includes North Dakota, where the city of Steele — some 150 miles from the Canadian border — hit 121 degrees during the Dust Bowl on July 6, 1936. Many other states in the region also reached their all-time record highs during the Dust Bowl year of 1936, including Oklahoma, which reached 120 degrees four different times that summer (including in the same location twice).

Numerous Midwestern states have all-time record highs of 115 degrees or higher. Missouri's statewide record of 118 degrees occurred on July 14, 1954, in two different cities. Even Minnesota has reached 115 degrees, which was achieved some 250 miles south of the Canadian border in the city of Beardsley on July 29, 1917. (source)

The purpose of almost all reporting on the climate is to indoctrinate, not to inform, to get the public to capitulate to the radical leftist green agenda to remake (destroy) America. 

Why do we name storms that have winds of 35 MPH as if they were dangerous?

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