Biden inflicts elder abuse

Even though it is under-reported, elderly people with dementia are particularly vulnerable to abuse.  Disturbingly, the demented Elder-in-Chief has turned that on its head: infirm Joe Biden is inflicting abuse on the country, particularly elders.

While there's entirely too much gaudy June Pride despoiling the public square, it should also be remembered that June is designated as "Elder Abuse Awareness Month."  The Senate's bipartisan resolution highlights "instances of exploitation and abuse against America's senior population."  Ironically, abusive Biden is the biggest perpetrator.

Some ways elder abuse manifests itself are physical or psychological abuse, financial exploitation, neglect, and social media abuse.  Despicable Joe Biden has exhibited all of these in abundance; a few of many examples briefly follow before we reach proposed resolutions:

  • Physical — he threatens to beat people up.  Beyond threats, he creepily sniffs women's alluring hair and applies unwelcome caressing upon their beings — in perverted fashion.
  • Psychological abuse — Biden frequently threatens and manipulates people.  If someone asks a question that catches his lies, he demeans him, calling the question stupid.
  • Financial exploitation — obviously, he's the "big guy" selling influence while undermining our country's interests.  But he also vetoed the ESG retirement rule, which will complicate the accrual of retirement funds by demanding ESG compliance in investment vehicles.  This so-called Inflation Reduction Act is also deviously exploitive.
  • Neglect — so many examples, but his ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan and his lack of awareness of the crisis-cum-catastrophe at the open borders he created represent impeachable negligence.
  • Social media abuse — his malevolent minions include an array of disturbed "influencers" who are inculcating the tacky TikTok generation with progressive propaganda.

While elderly Biden is abusing just about everyone — except the intolerant and unvirtuous-signaling weirdos on the far left — he seems to particularly have it out for his own hapless cohort.  In fact, his cruel economy is even worse for seniors struggling to subsist.  That's not malarkey, but well documented.

It's entirely proper we expunge elder abuse — not only of them, but by them — specifically, by the curmudgeon with a bludgeon, Joe Biden.  The Senate resolution establishing elderly abuse awareness month encourages "federal agencies with responsibility for preventing elder abuse to fully exercise such responsibilities to protect older adults."  Since fraud is a key component of elder abuse, the DoJ's fraud corruption unit should be compelled to bring the immoral Bidens — corrupt elder and wayward junior — to justice.

If the DoJ continues to make a mockery of its mandate to curtail white-collar crime, exemplified by Biden's unwieldy web of bank accounts cloaking extortion, then we patriotic Americans are impelled to "promote awareness and long-term prevention of (by and from) elder abuse."  See you at the polls...if you don't mail your ballot, that is. 

This can no longer be under-reported: Biden isn't much good for anything except being a corrupt politician, yet he sneakily became quite wealthy while slurping at the public coffers.  Even our great republic can withstand only so much of his elder abuse of power while he undermines our bedrock separation of powers.  

Elderly Joe Biden is abusive and unfit for duty.  Prevent his abuse of elders — and just about everyone else — by moving him from the White House to the madhouse.  Once there, tottering around aimlessly in his sanitorium, I'm sure he'll find lots of ghosts to shake hands with and giant Easter bunnies to abuse.  Better them than us.

Image: Pixabay.

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