Childhood under assault

The Biden administration aims to make America a third-rate nation.  In 28 months, our corrupt, doddering, feeble "leader," a puppet to Barack Obama and other leftists, has initiated legions of programs and policies to decimate our nation.

Atop the list is dislodging the American family as the primary social unit.  The Biden administration seeks to keep wealth redistribution schemes and welfare sufficiently attractive to disincentivize marriage and on-the-scene fathers.

While They're Young

The leftist agenda for destroying America though its children is multifaceted:

  •  Confuse children at a very early age.  Convince them that they were born as the wrong gender and need to use surgery to make themselves look like members of the opposite sex.
  •  Concurrently, make it difficult for parents to even know what is occurring.
  •  Infuse the schools with teachers who preach transgenderism, sexuality, crossdressing, and a variety of other such behaviors.  Indoctrinate children each day.
  • De-emphasize reading, writing, and arithmetic.  Focus on equity, feeling good about yourself, disparaging the U.S., and denigrating White people.  
  •  Discourage children from being proud Americans.  
  •  Schedule drag queen story hour so that children are exposed to men who mock women and prance around as if it's commendable behavior.  
  • Intimidate teachers.  Make them fear using the wrong pronouns and being fired even after twenty years of dedicated service.  
  • Convert children into little fascists, ready to report on any adult, including their own parents, who "step out of line."

Fractured History

  • Support the 1619 Project, which asserts that American history begins with the introduction of slaves.  Never mind that tens of thousands of people lived here before slavery flourished in the South and that millions of people afterward had nothing to do with the slave trade.
  • Magnify America's role in the global slave trade.  Ignore that of 10,700,000 slaves who withstood the horrific Atlantic crossing, 388,000 (3.6%) disembarked in America. 
  • Overlook that while Denmark was the first nation to abolish slave trade shipping in 1803, Britain and the United States followed four years later.  Downplay that America fought a four-year Civil War, where 600,000+ troops, 360,000 of them for the Union, died, with millions more suffering life-altering casualties.
  • Censor the fact that since Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, the U.S. has spent $21+ trillion on affirmative action, equal opportunity, welfare, and other transfer payments — a staggering sum equal to $500,000+ per black person, for every year anyone was alive from 1965 to the present.
  • Don't teach America's role in World War I or World War II, and how we defeated the Nazis, vanquished fascism, and won the 44-year Cold War against an evil empire, the Soviet Union.

Un-level the Playing Field

  • Ensure that the average U.S. student lacks the academic skills to compete with immigrants from China, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, and Vietnam, whose per family income exceeds that of American Whites within one generation.
  • Overwhelm school systems by allowing torrents of illegal aliens to overpopulate small towns, while draining municipal budgets, health care facilities, first responder departments, and all else that supports a healthy community.
  • Install a buffoon, Miguel Cardona, as secretary of education to promote a transgender invasion of women's sports.  Make sure that females face grossly unfair competition.  If they protest, shun, bar, or cancel them.
  • Support unions and school boards that target parents who wish to safeguard the education of their children.  Label these parents as enemies of the state.  Install a corrupt, demented attorney general, Merrick Garland, who regards concerned parents as domestic terrorists.

Toss Out Merit

  • Dumb down testing.  Do away with letter grades where possible.  Throw out the SAT and GRE to benefit those who cannot academically compete.  Remove the written essay as a college entrance requirement.
  • Promote and eventually graduate those students who can barely read even after twelve years of school.  Then claim that school systems are racist.  Later, when these academic laggards can't compete in the economy, blame White society for these ills.
  • Encourage the underemployed to join Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  Pay them to be vocal and violent at events where no protests would otherwise occur.  Ensure that no one spends more than a night in jail, regardless of the crime, before he's bailed out and exonerated by lawless, George Soros–funded district attorneys and dishonest prosecutors.

So there you have it.  Corrupt and thwart today's youth from cradle to high school, and from college to young adulthood.  This is the prescription for a doomed generation, courtesy of the twisted policies and programs of the Biden administration.

Image: Ted Eytan.

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