'Clean energy' is just another government money-funneling scam

I will try to make this scam simple so that even most journalists can understand it.

The government has a goal to destroy companies that use natural resources to produce reasonably priced energy.  They falsely claim that the science is settled that our consumption of oil, coal, propane, natural gas, and other things cause temperatures to rise and that temperature rise causes ice to melt, causes storms to be worse, and will cause a very dangerous sea level rise.

Of course, they never show the scientific data that show a correlation between crude oil use and temperatures because there are no data.  So they use easily manipulated computer models to claim the relationship and then indoctrinate the public with the talking point that "the science is settled."  That is a fraudulent claim.

Big Companies on Verge of New Market for Clean-Energy Tax Credits

Treasury Department proposes rules explaining how clean-energy developers can sell credits to companies

They know they have to produce some sort of energy to replace it, and they falsely call these sources renewable and clean energy to mislead the public that they are reliable and great for the environment. 

Then the Democrats send massive amounts of money to companies that produce wind energy, solar power, clean hydrogen, and batteries.  (Lithium is a highly flammable  pollutant, so why do they claim it is clean?)

They loaded up the falsely named Inflation Reduction Act with money for these supposed green energy companies who pretend they can control temperatures and the climate. 

They also have loaded up bills with tax credits for these companies.  But a problem has arisen that these green companies don't make profits, so they don't pay taxes.  Therefore, they needed to come up with ways to suck up money from the generosity of us, the people. 

Democrats always complain that companies don't pay enough taxes, but these new rules will show they really don't care.  They also continually ask people and companies to pay more in taxes, but these new rules blow a hole in that claim. 

From the WSJ article on June 15:

The Treasury Department on Wednesday proposed rules explaining how clean-energy companies can sell the credits. The government also issued related rules so that state and local governments, nonprofits, universities, and tribes can claim tax credits even though they don't pay taxes.

Many companies that generate clean energy don't make enough profit to use all the tax credits they could claim. So under the new rules, which are part of last year's Inflation Reduction Act, a utility could sell its tax credits to a tech company that had no involvement in the project but was looking for a lower tax bill. A school district, meanwhile, could get a direct cash payment for buying electric vehicles equal to the tax credit  a profit entity could make.

Democrats want to give massive amounts of money to the IRS to generate more money from us while seeking to give kickbacks to leftists, like universities, as fast as they can. 

These rules should just be called what they are: "a slush fund for leftists."

Obama and Biden are skilled at developing slush funds for leftists.  They had them at CFPB, EPA, and the Justice Department, where they shook down corporations to give kickbacks to political supporters who funnel money to Democrats.  Trump got rid of the slush funds. 

The corrupt Biden and Garland bring back the slush fund at DOJ.  Many swamp creatures at DOJ and elsewhere in the federal government constantly interfere in our elections.  Why isn't that a violation of the Hatch Act?  It is disgusting that most of the media not only don't care, they participate in the interference.

As a postscript, another pure fraud is carbon credits.  Companies that supposedly produce clean products like Tesla sell these worthless pieces of paper called carbon credits to companies like GM and Ford, who make huge profits selling gas-guzzling profitable trucks.  They buy the credits to comply with leftist policies that require them to reduce their carbon.  People like John Kerry, who fly in private jets and live in multiple mansions, buy these credits to pretend they reduce their carbon footprint.  This is a massive fraud to mislead the public.

So the next time you hear from journalists that Democrats implement these policies because they're serious about cleaning up the environment, don't believe it.  They don't care.  All they care about is power.

Image: pasja1000 via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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