Conservative women are lovelier than liberal women

A recent artificial intelligence study out of Denmark finds that conservative female politicians are more attractive than liberal politicos.  I can absolutely corroborate this.  In fact, conservative women in general are much lovelier than liberal women.

Published in the reputable journal Scientific Reports, the research found that A.I. can predict a person's ideological bent with 61% accuracy just by examining one headshot.  Importantly, conservative women are more likely to beam friendly smiles, and are more genial than liberal women.  Indeed, the research substantiated previous findings: "These results are credible given that previous research using human raters has also highlighted a link between attractiveness and conservatism."  Evidence that conservatives are more attractive was previously published in the Journal of Public Economics.

Many liberals tend to be on the cusp of depression and sometimes appear fidgety in their own skin.  It can be uncomfortable being in their presence as they harbor resentments toward the world, as well as their own vessels, and exude anxiety.  They seem to display more scowl lines than laugh lines.

Nevertheless, afraid I was succumbing to the "unconscious bias" my H.R. department was always cudgeling employees with, I sought to disconfirm my experience.  Instead, my suspicions were confirmed when I navigated to the website Craiyon, a free online A.I. image generator from text. 

I simply asked Craiyon to draw "conservative women," then, separately, "liberal women."  Below are two representative pastiches generated by Craiyon.  The first is of conservative women, the second liberal women.

A representative A.I.-generated sample of conservative women.

A representative A.I. generated sample of liberal women.

While these pictures are but two representations, I repeated the test so many times that Craiyon encouraged me to upgrade to the paid subscription.  All of its many renderings (with the "Art" button enabled) showed remarkable consistency: conservative women are just much more welcoming and lovelier than liberal women.

The images in the conservative compilation are comely.  Seven of the nine are sporting delightful smiles.  The other two are quite inviting and lovely, if a bit more pensive. 

Of the nine images in the liberal compilation, not a single one is smiling.  In fact, some look quite scary and could be cast in a horror movie.  One actually looks like a grotesque gargoyle.

The multiple renderings from Craiyon substantiate the Danish research that "expressing happiness is associated with conservatism."  This invites the question: why are conservative women demonstrably more pleasant than liberal women?  Here are a few reasons:

Overall, you can see the picture: conservatives are just nicer people.

The adage that beauty can be skin-deep, and a thin façade veiling unpleasantness, is worth remembering.  However, as is mostly the case with upstanding conservatives, it can also caress the whole body, mind, and soul.  Just observe our conservative governors and representatives, and one is usually greeted by the complete package of beauty, charm, and brains — especially the latter.  In fact, nothing is more attractive than smart, smiley, and compassionate conservative women, even if they wouldn't win a traditional beauty contest.  

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