Go away, little boy

Maybe the tide has turned, and the public is fed up with boys competing with girls.  This is the good news from Gallup:

A larger majority of Americans now (69%) than in 2021 (62%) say transgender athletes should only be allowed to compete on sports teams that conform with their birth gender. Likewise, fewer endorse transgender athletes being able to play on teams that match their current gender identity, 26%, down from 34%.

Gallup also found this:

The survey also asked about Americans' more general views on being transgender. A majority, 55%, consider "changing one's gender" to be more "morally wrong," while 43% say it is "morally acceptable."

Those results are slightly less accepting than in 2021, when Gallup last asked the question — 51% thought changing one's gender was morally wrong, and 46% morally acceptable.

Am I the only one who finds it incredible that we are debating this issue?  When did we accept the idea that a boy could compete against a girl in a sports event?  It's bizarre, isn't it?

Of course, the crazy stuff was in full display at the White House.  We used to have Easter egg hunts and visits by foreign leaders.  A few days ago, the so-called Pride Event turned into something that no decent person can approve of.  Apparently, there has been a backlash about that.  This is the story:

The White House condemned trans activist Rose Montoya for going topless at a President Biden's Pride Month event on Saturday, after video went viral on social media.

Montoya and others featured in the video posted by the trans model will not be invited to future events, a White House spokesperson said in a statement.

"This behavior is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the White House. It is not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate LGBTQI+ families or the other hundreds of guests who were in attendance. Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events," the statement read.

No future invitations?  Why did you invite them in the first place?  Have you not seen the depravity on full display at some of these Pride marches?  These marches and people have nothing to do with gay rights.  What these people are marching or calling for is men dressed as women performing before our children.  Sick.

Well, the good news is that people are seeing the light, and sanity is coming back.

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Image: MissLunaRose1.

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