It's now or never

David Solway, frequent essayist at PJ Media and American Thinker, has always been a realistic and conservative writer.  He says in this recent essay, "It has by now become starkly obvious that the leftist attack on the Judeo-Christian West proceeds on three main fronts: Christianity, the family, and borders."

The attack is making too much progress, and there is too little resistance.

He details the strategy of the campaign to destroy Western Civ.

  1. "An organized and multifaceted attack on Christian morality and practice."  A multitude of religions is represented in the U.S. and Canada, but Christianity is the originary ground of both, now seismically disturbed by secular and especially socialist intolerance.
  2. An organized societal project to destroy the family.

[B]ecause it encourages a prior allegiance ... [and] because it allows for inheritance and property rights. This is anathema to the Marxist vision of the centralized, property-owning and all-encompassing state. The Marxist offensive against the monogamous union of a man and a woman is seen as the means by which to destabilize the family, and thus to destroy the democratic state root and branch. ... Woke ideology, feminist dogma and the cultural focus on sexual pathologies have taken up the Marxist cudgel to eradicate the traditional family and the legitimacy of parenthood in order to remake the Judeo-Christian West in their own infernal image.

  1. An attack on citizenship and national borders.  "The real and ongoing intention is clearly to dilute a cohesive citizenry and render the nation a stranger to itself, easy pickings for subversion."

Solway raises the question — is there time to save civilization, and what can be done to avoid the destructive left?  He answers:

Many will no doubt disagree with me, but this is no time for timidity. It may demand a populist uprising of immense, if not unprecedented, proportions, certainly not seen since the American War of Independence — what Richard Fernandez, citing novelist George Eliot's term, refers to as "hidden lives" uniting to defend their patrimony. It may entail the secession of those states and provinces where the civilizational imperative remains in force. It may require a determined purge of the neo-communist Left issuing at the federal level by a patriot president or prime minister and an aggressive administration. One way or another, there is no alternative solution.

Mr. Solway goes on to say that some piecemealing is not going to work; the defense of the nation requires carnivores, not herbivores, and pushback needs to be thoroughgoing.  The left must be expunged, the political landscape razed and salted.  No time for timidity, compromise, and tolerance.  He concludes:

Speaking historically, we have arrived at a now-or-never moment, and in the present social and political context, never has the upper hand. The people must rise, or imperiled jurisdictions should contemplate the possibility of secession or at least initiate an Article V Convention of States as a preliminary step toward political change, or a legitimate government, should it survive electoral malfeasance, must act with uncompromising conviction. Nothing else will suffice, assuming the will is there. This is it.

Strong words from a Canadian who feels the ominous nature of recent developments, but does he have an answer to the power, the deadly power of the totalitarian state?  Ask the J-6 gulag prisoners who protested a stolen election.  Ask the truckers who protested the COVID restrictions of the Canadian prime minister.

John Dale Dunn is a retired emergency physician and inactive attorney in Brownwood, Texas.

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