Kamala Harris beclowns herself on abortion

Never one to use an honest argument when a dishonest one will do, Kamala Harris is out stumping for abortion on the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, which overturned Roe v. Wade.

Fox News summed up how bad it was:

She began, saying, "So that day, the day that the Supreme Court took the constitutional right from the women of America, and I was outraged. In fact the first person I called was my husband because I could just let it all out with him."

Harris mentioned how she felt fear for the younger generation of women, including her daughter and her nieces. She continued, "And my first thoughts really were about our daughter, my niece, my baby nieces, my goddaughters and what this all might mean."

She declared, "I mean for our daughter, she is going to know fewer constitutional rights than my mother-in-law. And so I think we all at that moment understood how dire it would be."

The rest of the clip featured Harris talking about how most Americans reject the ruling on this anniversary. "One year later the majority of Americans are with us. From so-called red states, to blue states, from Kentucky to California, when this issue was on the ballot in the midterms the people. voted in favor of allowing women to have the choice about what happens to their body."

Here's the video her minions posted on Twitter:



Notice her stylist's handiwork here -- the black background, the judicial-looking flowing white satin top with no buttonwork and the dark sepulchral jacket. Notice the regally folded hands.

She's playing justice herself here herself in the publicity work, as if she's got kind that of authority. Yet in claiming a Constitutional right to abortion that somehow has been "taken away" by the Supreme Court, she reminds us all why she flunked her bar exam the first time she took it.

Justices make rulings. Congress and the states make Constitutional laws. This person has served in the upper house of Congress, as well as for the state of California and is supposedly a lawyer, and yet she doesn't seem to know this.

She can go out and have an abortion any time she likes in her home state and no "Constitutional" or any other "rights" have been taken from her.

The Dobbs ruling, which overturned Roe v. Wade last year, simply returned the matter back to the states, where some states are in favor of it, and others are not in favor of it. Anyone who doesn't like how their state has called it can simply vote their lawmakers out of office and get the laws they like with new legislators if they have the majority on their side. Harris claims she does have a majority, so that shouldn't be a problem.

But she's out there stumping and spreading disinformation, about the Constitution, as well as herself, curiously claiming she has a daughter who would want an abortion, plus nieces and baby nieces who she claims view abortion as a must-have.

Harris is childless herself, but has a stepdaughter from her husband's previous marriage. She didn't even know this person until she was nearly grown up.

But true to her reputation for being phony, she's now playing the concerned 'mom' in her bid to appeal to suburban women, who seem to favor abortion.

It's a fundamentally dishonest way to make her argument, given that she can't even get the facts right.

There are honest ways of making a pro-abortion argument if that is what she wants, yet she seems to prefer the dishonest ones.

She could start by being honest and admitting that she favors abortion right up until the moment of birth, which she does, and which polls show the public abhors.

She could level with the public about the meaning of the Supreme Court's ruling, explaining that the ruling threw the matter back to the states and some states have voted to restrict abortion and she's against that. 

Nothing wrong with that argument, it happens to be true.

She could take any number of approaches to make her case to the public, but she'd rather smear the justices as if to claim they've broken the law and have become dictators by "taking away" Constitutional rights, which is false.

When the argument is junk, the defense lawyer goes ad hominem on his opponent.

So it is with Kamala Harris who can't even make her abortion argument without lying about someone and putting on an act about letting all her feelings hang out.

It's no surprise she was scored on this on Twitter, as Fox News has noted. She basically made a clown of herself.

Some thieves insist that stolen food tastes better. With Harris, dishonest arguments go down better. She's never made an honest argument in her life, and it shows.

That's pathetic. 

Image: Twitter screen shot

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