Leftist rage against courthouse artist, claiming he drew Trump too handsome

In courthouses where cameras aren't allowed, the courthouse artist produces the image of record.

That is why assorted leftists exploded in rage at the bland courthouse drawings of William Hennessey, Jr., who up until now has said his work rarely draws any attention.

According to Jack Montgomery at the National Pulse:

Leftists raged at an obscure sketch artist following Trump's arraignment in Miami, seething that the former president looked too young and handsome in his courtroom drawings.

"The courtroom sketch artist, William Hennessy [J]r., is far too kind to [Donald Trump]," wrote one Twitter user.

"His pastel drawings make the pig look at least 20 years younger and 90 pounds thinner."

"Any chance you can whip up a quick indictment for false depiction of an indicted grifter?" wrote another, tweeting at a parody account of Jack Smith.

Some Twitter users went so far as to link Hennessy's Facebook page and encourage others to harass him.

"Yo Bill, why trim 70lbs off Trump? Just weird. Do you privately think of him as a trim superhero?" demanded one person on a Facebook post.

The first thing this little ragefest tells us is that leftists have too much time on their hands, using their hours here on Earth to complain about somebody else's courthouse artwork.  Montgomery's piece has the drawings here.

The second thing this tells us is that leftists set great store in how someone looks.  They're all in on looks-ism, despite their bony finger pointed at others for the same thing.

The third and most important thing this says is that hand-drawn sketches, which was all the leftists got out of this trial, are not easily manipulated the way photographs are.  That the leftists raged about Trump's pictures being too handsome for their expectations brought to mind that had the pictures been photos instead of drawings, they would have been able to manipulate them into unflattering photos, what with a plethora of inexpensive photo-editing tools on the internet.  They could have reddened Trump's face, as 60 Minutes once did to Trump's adviser, Steve Bannon, to make him look like a drunk.  Or they could have given Trump a five-o'clock shadow and painted some sweaty beads on his face to discredit him, the way once–vice president Nixon was discredited with those features during his debates with then-politician John F. Kennedy on television.  They could have made Trump dirty, or pasty-pale, or back-shadowed, or better still upshadowed, to get the image of Trump they wanted and, of course, made him look guilty or sleazy or dishonest to the casual observer.  They could have Photoshopped in handcuffs or a bright orange jumpsuit, which is what they've slavered for for years.  They can't do that to even a reproduction of a drawing on the Internet, because the picture would simply be not true.

They really, really wanted to see, through fair means or foul, a sweaty, distressed Trump in those images.  Montgomery, who said he just draws what he sees, didn't deliver.

That prompted the vile attacks on the blameless artist and his heretofore uncontroversial work, which included doxxing and other dirty tricks they pull.

That artist didn't deserve that, and threats to him should be investigated swiftly, with the book thrown at perpetrators as assaults on a court officer.

There seems to be no bottom to what the left will do for any artist who does not conform to their pre-set ideas about what they think President Trump should look like.

Looks-ism?  It's there, nestled among the Democrats.

Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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