Only certain Black lives matter to BLM

The very people who wanted to defund the police are now finding themselves defunded.

Why? Technically, the answer would be mismanagement of funds, but in part, it could be said that they weren’t living up to their name. People are starting to see beyond the name and realize that not all black lives mattered, just the ones who were friends and family with the organization’s management.

In some regards, Black Lives Matter can be considered a grift because an organization that is supposed to reduce police violence against Black people and improve their lives has nothing substantial to show for the scores of millions of dollars donated. Life hasn’t gotten better for Black people, and not because police were shooting innocent Black people. 

BLM’s ill-thought-out mission to defund, disband, and criminalize police reduced the number of officers on the street leading to an increase in crime. That crime has affected Blacks more than other racial groups because the places where crime has increased the most are the cities, which are predominantly liberal and Black. So, the very people BLM says it represents are suffering the most from its policies and positions.

Meanwhile, BLM pulled in plenty of cash because everyone wanted to be seen as a supporter. The problem is how the organization has spent that cash. It didn’t go to help Black people affected by violence or even try to find alternative ways to fight crime, which is devastating the Black community. It did go to pay founder Patrisse Cullors’ brother who was paid a total of $1.6 million for security services as the head of the security team at the $6 million Los Angeles mansion bought with charity donations to BLM. 

“He is best known as a graffiti artist, with no background in security,” the Daily Mail reported. “Patrisse Cullors defended hiring him, saying registered security firms which hired former police officers could not be trusted, given the movement's opposition to police brutality.”

A sister of a board member was paid $1.1 million for “consulting.”

The organization has also purchased luxury properties in Los Angeles and Toronto totaling $12 million.

It was recently reported that “The group ran an $8.5 million deficit and saw the value of its investment accounts drop by nearly $10 million, with fundraising down 88% year-on-year.” Reports have also appeared that the organization is at risk of going bankrupt.

People can now see that BLM is more interested in themselves rather than Black people.   Just a third of the money BLM has received has gone to charity. That means two-thirds has gone to things that won’t benefit the Black community.

In general, BLM has laudable goals, but words without actions are meaningless. BLM’s actions show a much different goal. They are enriching themselves while allowing the community that is supposed to matter to them suffer from rising crime and a reduced police presence.

It’s time to end the farce of BLM and send any future donations directly to neighborhood organizations that are actually working in the Black community and helping the people. That’s the best way to show Black Lives Matter. 

Michael A. Letts is the CEO and Founder of In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. 

Photo credit: YouTube screebgrab (cropped)

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